The improvised techno thread

or so I thought. anyway the others are on my channel if you like to check em out. they have more drums.

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Squeezed another one out of my OP-Z / MiRack Combination, this one I’m pretty proud of. Seems like something snapped into place during my previous jams, more improvisation, smoother flow, and the results feel much better to me:

Keeping it simple, my dark trinity still rests aside unused. Would be interested to hear your opinion, i think it is a pretty good example for knowing your gear better is superior to having better gear.

edit: updated link


Can’t even listen to it, soundcloud tells me that your track is being processed…no play button available.

Thanks for the hint, the conversion somehow got stuck on Soundcloud. Did just update the link, it should work now.

Cross-post from Matriarch thread, not mine:

I just listened to it, it feels like your micro timed steps are too far off grid, that tom thingy is soooo so late. :smiley:
Mix wise it’s kind of overcrowded most of the time, for me at least.
There often are two or three elements occupying the same frequency range…like from 8:40 on is a good example. There’s this sine thingy melody, something sounding like a guitar with nylon strings and that lfo or envelope modulated “dirty endless tone”, all pretty much playing in the midrange. I’d try to either have fewer elements playing or separate them in another way, like panning or have them playing rhythmically different.

And, I really don’t want to be rude, but there’s another thing: your breaks/drops start and end up on the same energy level, like you’re not building and releasing tension.

Don’t get me wrong, those are just things that came to my mind as you were asking for opinions.
Keep going! :>

Totally with you on that. That’s why I’ve been noodling around with AR MK2 and Digitone only for the last few months. There’s so much stuff to explore, learn and master. Building muscle memory aswell. Empress Zoia is probably going to join those two anyway…I feel like there’s not much else I could want to improvise for hours and hours.

I really don’t want to be rude

Don‘t worry, I can absolutely take critique, especially when it‘s as specific and constructive as yours. Although I do not agree with every point you mention, there’s definitely a few that I will try to think about.

Thanks for taking your time to listen and write down your thoughts!

@Fin25 I already feel much more like a punk now, sadly more like one of the most, not the few…


We’re cool then. :>

I just recorded another one:

I feel like I’m coming closer to the mood I prefer when making techno.
Digitone’s osc offset is a great thing to use on drones btw!

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Yesterday we played an improvised Set with some Visuals and good Cameras


Really a shame the crowd is missing. CoVid Regulations, I guess?




All the Clubs are closed here in south-west Germany.


Chords, as ins plural -> I totally :+1:
One chord, say a Hugh Fmin, some filter action and you mention big ass kickdrum + noise and the occasional clap = :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:

Is there a listing of how we can support clubs from afar? I’m in the United States but knew some of my favorite Berlin spots sold art pieces, etc.

Losing physical spaces is one of the worst things we have for society and well-being, leaving all interactions with culture and strangers being hyper-monetized and manipulated towards anger and neuroses.

Clubs and Restaurants get money from the Government if they have to close due to COVID restrictions so I don’t know how it is legal to support clubs etc. with money.
The Session we played was in a Warehouse of a Pro Audio,Video and Lightning Company where my music partner works as an audio engineer . His Video and Lightning Colleagues hat not much to work the last 2 years due to Covid so they decided to make the whole thing as a motivation and team building event for everyone.


Sounds a great way to keep fresh and do what you love on your terms, thanks.

Aah so that‘s the story behind the stage and everything. Was nice, kinda unexpectedly stumbled across the stream live in the evening and had it running throughout. Solid oontz oontz :mechanical_arm: :mechanical_arm:

Haha, should‘ve turned down that one spotlight shining on you though, felt like the sound demands more of a darker ambiance/look.

This video seems useful for Elektron setups:


Recently got an Empress Zoia, just noodling around a bit because I liked the Digitone-ARP :slight_smile:


Long time no techno.

There you go.