The Elektron documentation thread

BTW credit where it’s due, the Feb 6th Digitone manual includes exactly what I looked for in earlier versions - the patch save procedure :wink:



I agree with this, some of the phrasing can be a bit challenging when fatigued etc.

“• ANLG will, if the multi mode filter is assigned to FX1, not necessarily make the filter envelope start
from zero once a sample trig is being trigged. Instead, the filter envelope attack will start from the
current envelope level. If the amplitude modulator is assigned to FX1 the phase will be restarted
each time a sample trig is trigged.
• RTRG will, if the multi mode filter is assigned to FX1, make the filter envelope start from zero every
time a sample trig is being trigged. If the amplitude modulator is assigned to FX1 the phase will be
restarted each time a sample trig is trigged.
• R+T will, if the multi mode filter is assigned to FX1, make the filter envelope start from zero every
time a sample trig or a trigless trig is activated by the sequencer. If the amplitude modulator is as-
signed to FX1 the phase will be restarted each time a sample trig or a trigless trig is being activated.
• TTRG will, if the multi mode filter is assigned to FX1, not necessarily make the filter envelope start
from zero once a sample trig or a trigless trig is activated by the sequencer. Instead, the filter enve-
lope attack will start from the current envelope level. If the amplitude modulator is assigned to FX1
the phase will be restarted each time a sample trig or a trigless trig is being activated.”

The “will, if” would read more clearly simply as “when”.

“• ONE makes the recorder, once the sampling process is initiated either manually or by recorder
trigs, sample according to the length set by RLEN. The sampling process is restarted when press-
ing [TRACK] + [REC1/2]/[MIDI].
• ONE2 makes the recorder, once the sampling process is initiated either manually or by recorder
trigs, sample according to the length set by RLEN. The sampling process can be stopped prema-
turely by pressing [TRACK] + [REC1/2]/[MIDI].
• HOLD makes the recorder, once the sampling process is initiated, sample for as long as the
[TRACK] + [REC1/2]/[MIDI] keys are pressed and held, given they are not pressed longer than the
time frame of the RLEN setting allows. The outcome of the sample depends on if manual sampling
or recorder trigs are used. ”

“makes the recorder, once the sampling process is initiated” would read more clearly as “will start the recorder buffer to sample”

I think most of phrasing is generally clearer than these examples in the manuals, there are a few others that I can’t think of right now though. As @smokyfrog said the info is correct but can be a bit hard to wrap your head around when looking for answers quickly, particularly if it is a function not often used or if it has been a while since using.


It is a very good idea. It has been on my todo list for a while, but I just cant seem to get there. I will try to get my act together and just do it. Thanks for the reminder.


I know that this ”for more information, please see” thingie can be a bit frustrating. But there are reasons why it is made like this. I really try to avoid duplicating information in a document. I try to find the best place for the text and just put it there. Duplicating text bloats the manuals and also makes it a pain to keep track of and make changes in mutiple places. The tradeoff for this is that there will a bit of cross referencing going on.
Still, I will keep in mind to try and not fragment the text unnecessarily.


Hmm thought i fixed that one. I remember you mentioned it before. I’ll look in to it.
As shame that it is not correct though, 36 octaves would be quite a decent range :grinning:


I’m not going to argue with you on this one. That text is not the brightest moment in Elektron documentation history. The Octatrack manual has been written, rewritten, and edited by multiple people over the years. The most merciful thing would be to put it out of its misery and the rewrite the whole thing… But that would be so much work that I’m afraid it will never happen. Still, I will add your comments about this passage to my backlog.


When I wrote my dissertation, my brother had one specific, mind-bending piece of advice (probably someone else’s): “there’s always one person who has to do the work: either the writer, or the reader”.

For my own writing, the smoothness of the text is a consequence of the time I spend massaging it. I don’t know anything about professional writing for technical equipment - so maybe this advice doesn’t apply. But for all the beauty of the Elektron manuals, it often feels as if a simple “how to” manual, as a separate publication, could be beneficial.

I feel the love and attention going into your manuals - which is obvious already by the near total lack of feedback to this thread: they’re written with extreme care for detail. But I wonder whether we wouldn’t benefit from having a different, additional layer of explanation. One that doesn’t approach the machines from a technical, but a user’s point of view.

Anyway, thanks for your work and time, and for opening this thread! This attitude rocks!


Could this be solved by having a HTML version of the manual? There might be corporate reasons why that’s impossible; but cross-references pretty much immediately wouldn’t be such a burden anymore.


One year ago, people complaining about no french manual for OT MkII, which seems normal, after an OT MKI french manual… @eangman PLEASE!

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I checked and the AF MKI/MKII manuals were already updated, but its now fixed for AK too. Thanks :slight_smile:


I think you are spot on with this. The Elektron manuals are good at explaining what everything in the machines is and how they work, but not so strong in describing how to use all the great features. We have had talks here how to adress this. Either it could be in som separate documentation or maybe to make more videos like the Elektron workflow videos of old… Anyway, I hear you, but cant really say anything more than agree with your reasoning and then we just have to see what happens with this moving forward.
Thanks for your input.


HTML manuals is an idea that has been brought up here at the office too. Not sure what will happen yet, but yes, its definetly a good idea to make it easier to navigate the documentation.


Im sorry to say, but a french version of the OT MKII manual seems very unlikely at the moment.
In a perfect future world I would like to have all our manuals translated to a number of languages. I’ll do what I can to push for this to happen but I cant really promise anything. But I hear you.


Hey Eangman,
Seems the Model:Samples manual description of the lfo mul parameter is missing the info that “x” is tempo synced and I assume there’s a dot for fixed, not sure about the later because I don’t have one and it’s not in the manual. :wink: :smile:


Yes it is indeed missing. Will fix. Good catch :slight_smile:


Could it make sense to add this to the A4 manual? Maybe in Appendix A or so. I don’t think it’s currently mentioned.

I recently spent some time trying to figure this out myself :slight_smile:.


Hmm I will have to have a look at this one. Not totally sure what to do with this. I need to investigate the issue a bit more before I take any action. Thanks for bringing it up :slight_smile:

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Octatrack manual : Not sure if default crossfader / scenes midi out channel is explained somewhere.
Incoming MIDI message automatically routed to same MIDI output

That NOTE LEN = 0 tip :
Octatrack Tips & Tricks (OT Tips)

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What I find very irritating is that (at least in the OT manual) abbreviations are not “spelled out” and some of them are so cryptic that I don’t find where they are coming from.

Example: ANLG on the AMP SETUP page. I mean I understand what it does (that’s totally clear from the text), but there is nowhere in the text explained what ANLG stands for. ANALOG? Doesn’t really make sense for “restart from current level”. What else?

Maybe it’s just me, but remembering the meaning of random looking 4-chars-abbrevs is quite hard.


Oh come on… We gotta leave it at least somewhat cryptic…:grin:

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