The Digitakt Notebook

The Digitakt notebook is a fantastic piece of work and very well written at a unbelievable price, in fact a lot easier to understand than the official manual. So all I can say is thank you very much for all the hard work you must have put into it. :ok_hand::smiley:

Thanks for the great feedback. Trust me the hours, effort, work that goes into these Is huge as I design the illustrations and write bottom up, and test through with the gear side by side. Aimed from the user perspective where the official manual is product orientated. Thanks for the support and taking time to comment.

Just bought the Digitakt Notebook. This is very handy for a Digitakt-noob like me. Thank you!

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A question: I purchased the Digitakt notebook a while ago and downloaded it on my iPad. I’m right now away with my phone only and wanted to continue read it. Is there a way to download again? No big deal if not, just asking. Thanks for your good work!

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The link expires after a defined period - i think its 30 days. PM me email and i can send. I usually keep all my docs in a cloud and use goodnotes app. That way i always get access to any manual on iPad, Mac, Phone etc

Thanks a lot for offering. No need to bother, I’m back to my iPad very soon.

Updated to 1.30. On sale until Monday -15%. Updates sent to people who bought in last two months FOC.

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Can u sent me the update offer ,i bought di 16 feb. 2021.


Trying to deepen my knowledge and skills. Just bought this and the OP-1 Notes as well. It works great with iPad in GoodNotes and the Apple Pencil for annotations.

Thanks for making the effort and for updating for 1.30. :+1:

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Ella, always great to hear the books are helpful. Thanks for the feedback.

Updated Digitakt notebook. Approx 20 new pages added. Discount code Digi15 valid for a week.


Purchased. For the third time :wink:


Instant buy! I like it and with its 1.50 update it’s a comprehensive reference.

However “buy” is the wrong wording. It is so fairly priced in comparison to its huge content that “small contribution” sounds better.


Ah you got me. Bought all the Elektron stuff. Very well done.

Purchased for the second time! :wink:

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Thanks …

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I just saw this thread, is the promo still valid? seems interesting

Just purchased. What a fantastic resource for such a price. Thank you!

did the discount code work for you?

updates aren’t free?