The Digitakt Feature Request Thread

When selecting ‘FUNC’ + ‘PAGE’ to show you the track and pattern length page - I think it would be good to clearly say ’ Per Pattern’ or ‘Per Track’ to let you know which mode you are in.

I know it does this at the minute, but its kinda backwards, it says ‘func + yes = per track’

Just keep it simple and say which mode we are IN currently, not how to get to the other mode.

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well, both formats are quite different, and the length per pattern menu looks much different because it has more options, so for me it is obvious in which mode I am… but I guess it’s a thing that you have to get use to.

Crossfade / Zero-crossing to easily get rid of clicks and pops when looping samples we’ve recorded.

Sometimes its just impossible to get that smooth loop, and i like to work with the digitakt without having to go to the computer and trim and tidy the sample up there then re import it into the digitakt.


Also make the FUNC+pitch jump in octave from current note and not just next C and upwards…

Instant program change for patterns
Instant Fw/bkwrd jump of steps in pattern
This will make it possible to trig a pattern from specific step using midi

Midi feedback send of all parameters after pattern change and reload
Makes the midi integration with other devices and controllers complete and not broken
Also the midi channels already kind of doing that so ye.

That’s all
It was probably listed many times also by myself but it felt like another good time to mention those


This. 100%.
And goes for all the Elektron boxes.
Patterns should be able to be played like keys. It’s such a damn pro move, and why I absolutely love the Westlicht Performer.
Elektron PLEASE take notes of that device - someone got it right!


Some of the FUNC + PARAMETER settings need some serious recalibration. The most hilarious one for blowing out your eardrums is to adjust the MUP (Make Up Gain) on the master compressor. It jumps from 0dB to an ear bleeding +24dB with nothing in between :joy:

Why is this at all useful, @Elektron???!!!


I think this would work for any elektron sequencer, but I have a DT so here we are. Add a 2nd conditional trigger and a logic statement (&, or, not) to go between them. The Digitakt has at least 2 empty parameter controls on the NOTE page, so it could be implemented without any sub-menu junk.

Here’s a use-case of what I’m thinking: have one condition set to a % value, set the other to 1:2, and the logical statement “&”. This way, the trigger will only trigger every second loop & when the % condition is evaluated as “true”.


The new external input mixer function is absolutely awesome.

However, it would have been really nice if it was possible to apply effects 100% wet. This would offer tons more routing flexibility.

E.g applying DT delay/reverb to multiple external instruments via mixer aux knob.

Or with overbridge, routing all dry DT sounds into DAW for recording, editing and insert FX, then being able to send back out to DT and print the FX track at the very end, once all other processing has been done.


yes yes yes yes! It would be so good for chord progressions too.

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I’d like to see the External Input Mixer be outputted over USB class compliant audio (non Overbridge)

It already does that after 1.30 update. I recorded a loop this weekend with a guitar in external input, to Garageband over USB. Did you mean something else?


You’re absolutely right @ghostjello , not sure what I did wrong to think it didn’t do it. :man_facepalming:t2:

I guess my one and only feature request has already come true, happy days :smiley:


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P-lock FX parameters


I’m not sure that would be possible from a UI perspective seeing as A4/AR have dedicated FX tracks for this. But the midi loopback trick (or midi from elsewhere) can get you what you want.

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Yeah, if they added the option to route the MIDI tracks internally and gave us the option to set up MIDI sounds, that would do the trick.


Something that seems weird to me is that the master pages always resets back to the compressor page 1/3 when manually selecting another track with TRK + track number.
Typically I‘m on the master volume page 2/3, and when I select another track – mostly for cueing up the next pattern with correct chain lengths, whatever – the whole display switches back to the compressor.
I don‘t need to tweak the compressor as often as the track volume page.

I can see why the page reset makes sense for individual tracks for filter and LFO pages, but it really messes up the workflow for the master page.

Please Elektron CEO and CTO make that not so in update 1.31

What happens when you use the new Remember Subpage option in the settings (p70):


Long time lurker, just started posting.

I would like the (MK2) digitakt to not have the ‘kick, snare, tom…’ labeling. Just 1,2,3 is good enough.

That’s all, elektron did a good job :slight_smile:


I just tried, it works, seems like I had my little RTFM moment too for once :grin:
Thanks for saving my workflow groove!