The Digitakt Feature Request Thread

Classic, nothing more fun for me than seeing a feature request granted the instant it’s made. Happens fairly often in this thread.

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You can do this already: FUNC+left or right arrows while in Grid Rec Mode


Are all trigs in a track moved one whole step, regardless of their microtimed position?, also what was it you found fiddly about the microtiming?, thanks.

All trigs are moved along with their dedicated microtiming, yeah.

Uhm it was a bit of a joke with the microtime-movement, because there‘s no button combination to move the whole sequence by microsteps. I‘ve had some funny occasions where I was finetuning one whole track and had to apply the same microtiming on all of the trigs.


A pattern managing software, so I can arrange all the patterns scattered over the banks to build a live set efficiently.

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Check this:


Maybe in the futur with a kind new mixer :3lektron:
i hope so much :3lektron:

Great idea !!!


I see the Analog Heat recently got class compliant USB Audio. That would be a great thing to have for the DT, especially for the poor souls who can’t use Overbridge (because no linux support).


+1 for class compliant USB Audio


Song mode or Chain save - PLEASE
Equaliser on second filter screen - PLEASE
In screen SRC zoom for sample curve like in record mode
Audio in level controling on Master Volume screen
More Midi CC pages
Name chages for midi CC values
Midi thrue change to second midi OUT in setup options

Is it possible to set given track to “static” mode. If the given pattern is active when I press play, everything plays normally. However if the sequencer is already playing and I switch to the pattern with “static” track, its sound is not updated. It would work as if the given track was an external instrument.
It would allow me to change note pattern without resetting the sound. Useful if I tweak the sound live and don’t want to reset it with the pattern change.

Another idea:
Could we have “chain links” per pattern? For every pattern we could define number how many times it plays and then it would switch to “linked” pattern. Eg. “ChLk (2) 13” would mean “play this pattern two times and switch to pattern no.13”
This way we could build many short chains.
If this was saved with the pattern it would be helpful.


Chain links per pattern is a great idea. +1 for that! As long as we can also save them on power down of course :wink:


FM instead of that bit reduction that sounds terrible imo.

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Direct audio loopback when used as an interface. Sometimes I just want a stereo sample directly into Ableton instead of going through DT then into Live. This also avoids having to use another external application to do so.

Completely agree. Should have been used for something else. It’s the only thing on the DT that will NEVER get used in my studio. If I want things to sound bad, there are many better options…

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I’ve used the DT bit-reduction to great effect many times. Glad it’s there, please don’t remove it Elektron.


don’t worry. they won’t…


Minor cosmetic, in the mixer page, add the track number:


For a better indication when you don’t use the pre-labeled sounds for those tracks.

Might be extended with some other modulation options besides volume pressing up/down.

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I find it (most) useful in two scenarios - subtle for pads or melodic sounds - it adds a bit of texture, widens the sound somewhat…
and for hihats - specially when playing live, using high values, it can really shape them into something interesting… imho