The Clone War - Behringer. Good or Bad?

Because Behringer probably think it makes them look edgy and cool, the same way Elon Muskrat lies yet a certain group of people believe the lies and the fascade.

Behringer sound and act like dicks, yet it has made them “pop” on social media getting more eyes.


Unfortunately, controversy does seem to keep a person or product in the front of consumers’ minds. The people most susceptible to that type of marketing are likely those who don’t have strong feelings in either direction, therefore they feel no emotional impact from the actual situation and are only left with a front and center memory of company or product at the center of the outrage campaign.


Maybe the primary goal of marketing is just making people aware of your product, and keeping it in the front of their mind when they are thinking of buying something. Outrage marketing is very effective at this, keeping a product center of mind for longer than the normal product announcement release cycle.

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8 Controversial Marketing Campaigns That Paid Off

Negative reenforcement…effective. Usually done with annoying repetition, crappy music and visuals…Slap-Chop.
Not by lifting designs, or defamation.

I’ll never forget a commercial, radio spot, for a company called Stitches in Montreal in the early 80s. They ran this ANNOYING industrial sewing machine SFX, what felt like, 100x in the advert. It werked. It will stick with me for life :frowning:


I still remember the phone number to this place called “carpets plus” where they had a small choral group sing the phone number in this annoying sing-song tone at the beginning and end of the commercial. like 35 years ago or more, still remember it. they played that commercial a lot though on local stations.


This might be the softest face-off in synths social media history.
Loopop vs. Uli in a no-holds-barred text off! I love the “I saw you spreading lies…” response. My mind automatically went to Loopop’s hands feverishly animating his anger as he passively but also with slight annoyance, says that. Then I thought how much I wished he went all OG. “Heard you was talking shit!”.


Loopop be like “and my mitts”

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Very brave

I wish that would satisfy me but it’s kinda like setting a house on fire and afterwards donating to a hospital for burned victims just in case some people where still in the building.

I really hope that the Neptune never gets shipped or sounds like crap otherwise shame on me! :sweat_smile:

I was being kind of sarcastic anyway.

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Go home amazon advert, you’re drunk!

Is vinegar and chorus a thing now?

Probably go quite well with all the extra salt knocking about.

this pedal already got [view ignored content] 4 days ago, just look up a few positions in the thread. filed under view ignored content.


This latest attempt at using threats and defamation to get someone to leave a positive review, has pushed me past my limit of tolerance.

I am deciding if I should sell/replace all my behringer stuff, which wouldn’t be that hard, or just not buy anything new from them.

Keep using what you have until it inevitably breaks. The damage is already done, Uli already got your money to, ahem, reinvest in a completely not-for-profit way into whatever. Just don’t buy anything from point X on. At least that’s what I decided on a few years back.


I think it’s good that B gets explicitly called out more and more.
Stealing, counterfeiting, lying and oppressing journalists/reviewers is inacceptable from a major actor in the musical instruments industry.
Jorb did a good job IMO.


This again? It’s like arguing over politics, no matter what you say or how you feel. It doesn’t matter! Move along!

Life’s way to good to consume negativity!!


As someone that does not like how B has handled things, I second that. All the calling out has been done.

Behringer and the journalists/influencers seem to really like fighting each other and as a result the community gets flooded with negativity and bias.

The more we talk about this topic the more Behringer vs influencer topics will follow. It’s a gain for both sides and a loss for the good natured synth community.


OK, sorry, I’ll leave the subject for good.