The best cheap synth?

Hi, I have a maximum of 200 USD to have fun with an cheap synthesizer, which of these has the best build quality and durability?

  • Behringer TD-3
  • Modal Electronics Craft Synth 2.0
  • Moog Werkstatt-01
  • IK Multimedia Uno Synth
  • Korg Volca NuBass Vacuum

I don’t know about build quality, but for what I’ve heard from them, I would go for the Craft 2.0.
That being said, there’s a broad spectrum of sound there… if you want the classic acid sound, TD-3 is the obvious choice.
In terms of versatility / number of voices, Craft Synth seems like the best option imho

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Find a used Micromonsta v1. I’d take that over any of the ones you’ve listed there.


buy 2nd hand.


I wouldnt choose any from the OP’s list. Go second hand and expand the options. Bass Station 2 or something.

Edit- I mean… monologue…

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Maybe a monologue, they clock in right around $200 used? I know I wouldn’t get an Uno Synth for build quality.

Really depends on what you already have and what you want to do. I know the werkstatt doesn’t have a sequencer.

Edit: If you own an iPad I’d say try a few synths on their. Drambo is excellent for example. Interacting on a touchscreen is definitely a step up from mouse/keyboard.

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You’ll be hard pressed to find decent build quality or durability for that budget, at least if you’re buying new. As suggested above, buying used might get you more for your money.

I don’t own any of the synths listed but I’d guess that the Moog Werkstatt-01 is arguably most durable since the case is metal. That said the trimmer pots might be a bit fragile so I would go throwing it down a flight of stairs.

I reckon you might find a used Korg Monologue in that ballpark. Or a Novation Circuit.

My personal recommendation would be saving those pennies for a Dreadbox Typhon or Elektron Model:Cycles.

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One small eurorack module.

Kidding. Monologue.


Never played one. But why not. Monologue :grinning:

It’s never going to be the fattest or most complex analogue monosynth but it is definitely a lot of fun, with its sequencer. And it is built well.

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Monologue was my first analog synth but honestly is not that good. Nice presets but the sound is meh. Too aggresive and hard to tame to my ears and for what it is it lacks lowend. Not suitable for proper sub.

From your list, I think the most fun is the TD 3(you can use it standalone). A Moog is a Moog tho, you get the sound, the brand and the best resale value. If you go the 2nd hand route you can probably find any Behringer mono clone or the Neutron around that price. Here in Romania I saw Mophos selling for about 220 euros.

If you go digital, as someone said before, 2nd hand Micromonsta is a beast. You can also find Arturia Microfreaks close to that but check them well before, build quality is not the best. My advice: save some money, talk with Santa and buy a Dreadbox Typhon!

Bass Station 2 second hand, maybe Behringer MS-1 or Roland SH-01A? (Never tried the last two, but they seem cool and simple; the Behringer might be realistic second hand for your budget)


Buy used. Sell if you dont like it. Volca Sample rewards quickly on the learning-curve and has some nice apps for uploading new samples etc

Monologue in combination with a good vst reverb and delay.

I’d save a bit longer and get a Typhon. It sounds absolutely incredible, especially for the price. Worth a little extra patience I think. Just my opinion though.

If you like acid lines, the TD-3 is hard to best in this price range though. :slight_smile:

Because I just ordered one myself, I’d like to amend this with the Sonicware Liven 8bit Warps.

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When I hear “cheap”, “synth” and “fun” I already think about Behringer.
Check 2nd hand market, I think you can found a cool analog synth from behri.
The build quality look fine and the prices are really attractive.
The sounds are awesome if you are not an OG purist.

I saw a Behringer Odyssey, MS-1, PRO-1, VC340 under 300€ on used market. Check youtube video and sound comparison to choose what sound the best to your ears and your style and let’s go.

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Reface cs. Used Roland boutique, jx03 for example.
Behringer Neutron.

The werkstatt is really cool though, 200 euro for the moog sound and some nice pacthing options. I owned the mother 32 and it sounds really really beautiful. This should be very close

Do you know What my remedy for GAS was, not buying cheap synths and instead buying one reeeally good synth. That is my tip.

If its your first hardware then That is a whole other thing.