Teenage Engineering TX-6 Mixer

I only tried over BLE which works nicely, I believe you can also sync clock and start/stop to elektron devices over usb, but have personally not tried it yet, perhaps someone else here?

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I use start/stop (and tempo sync) over USB - The TX-6 is connected to a Faderfox PC12 via USB, which has one of its DIN MIDI out ports connected to an Octatrack. I route the clock/start/stop to the OT this way and it works great. When I use beat detect I want the TX to be the master clock, and if not, the OT and thatā€™s possible this way.

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nice setup! only downside to me would be that you canā€™t use the usb from TX-6 anymore for multitrack recording then

Some usb-c hub would do the trick?

Just curious, I know the TX-6 syncs to BPM over audio pretty well, but does it send a Run/Start message out the USB Port as soon as it picks up this BPM?

When this is not implemented, youā€™d have some parallel action going on - two sources will share the same BPM, but will not align correctly unless they are started manually.

Does anyone know of this is possible?

Not many devices send the Run/Stop signal when clocking this way - itā€™s a very important thing to leave out.

I hope they add even more fx to it, and more variations for each effect. Theyā€™re really nice quality and Iā€™m all for more more more! They add so much to the experience.

no it doesnt.
it has been sent as a feature request though, i would like this as well.

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Just got this in the mail. nothing new perhaps:

Waiting for that 999 ā‚¬ discount.


Strange to me that the hi hat sequencer on the tx6 doesnā€™t have an option for a beat at the 3,7,11,15 mark!


Iā€™m disappointed with the direction TE is going with this unit. Iā€™ve been waiting on some updates because Iā€™m interested in it, but I want to see things like assignable side-chaining so selected channels can side-chain one another or more useful FX being added like a noise gate per channel.

I think they should update it so it can act as a high-fidelity iPod with a nice interface for playing audio files from a usb drive. Wasting time adding things like this game is making the TX-6 seem less appealing to me.


To be fair, the game has always been there, this isnā€™t a new update just for the game. Theyā€™re just finally sending out marketing emails about it. So itā€™s not like their most recent efforts have been towards creating this game :slight_smile:

Based on actual update history it seems like they really are focused with functional updates on the TX-6, I would expect those to continue!


I wish something like this worked with it. Itā€™s so handy for some of my other portable gear. It works great with the opz!

I agree, its a shame/pity that one of the aux outputs can not also send out midi over TRS. how awesome would that be.


Itā€™s my biggest con for this. The knobs are also too small for my fingers to use comfortably and I donā€™t think I have huge hands or anything.

Is adding midi over aux something thatā€™s even possible to add via an update? Or is that a hardware limitation?

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Yeah, I havenā€™t used it but the auto detect bpm feature seems really dope. Would have been great for my Monotribe that I sold several years ago.

Funny I used it with a monotribe this morning for the first time using bpm match and it was awesome!

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If they made it a bit larger with more user friendly sized knobs and faders, Iā€™d buy one. Really enjoying my OB-4, Pocket Operators and OP-1 as quirky as they are to use.

If you already have quirky devices you enjoy the tx-6 will be fine. I must say the knobs are way better usable than i thought and i have thick fingers.

The small size and good battery life are awesome, it makes an entire setup so portable!

Edit and if you already own an op-1 and po -ā€˜d ob-4 the tx6 is a no brainer

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..itā€™d be a different product.