Teenage Engineering OP-1

OP-1 still seems pretty cheap compared to …
A bottle of Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon 1992 at $500,000

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that was for charity apparently … you can get one of these for 9,500 $
edit : :sweat_smile:

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Oh man. This is what happens when there is no competition. Might be hard for Behringer to clone this unfortunately.

The OP-1 is like BTC. A little bit of FOMO makes its perceived value skyrocket.

when lambo?


5 posts were split to a new topic: OP-1 topic derailment

or give us more lfos :wink:

Just closed temporarily while we move all the off-topic posts and guidelines violations that have derailed this thread.

Can we all please play nice?

No examination of one another’s critical thinking skills.
No respond in kind for the sake of it.
No cycling back to the same points you’ve made 10 times already today in the same thread.

Thank you!


Is the ‘sampling input’ module confirmed for op-z?

The new massive price gap might not be good news for op-z owners in terms of it receiving any further USP that op-1 has?

Though maybe op-1 is set to receive a big OS update to take some of the sting out?

Again, just speculation/curiosity :slight_smile: Not publishing facts on a conspiracy theory or the like :wink:

Bad comparison. Ppl. buy vine as investments. But an OP1?

well it’s getting expensive as it ages hhhh so same :joy:

I sold mine during the price hike with intentions of buying it again when they came back on stock. Im gna pass on it this time and keep my $


I know you asked this awhile ago & I don’t know of any videos. But the way it is done is: You sample it just like anything else… either in the drum or synth sampler… when you are on the sampling page, turn sample input to the ear (it’s a picture of an ear hehe) press any key to activate, then press play on the Op-1. DONE!

You might already know this, so this is for anyone reading this thread. Many reasons this is useful. Weather you want to resample 1 track, 2 tracks or all 4.

Doing this allows you to (off the top of my head):

  1. Stack effects - Can use the master effect & track effect, resample, add effects again, ect. It’s SO FAST to resample, it makes it worth doing.
  2. Layer sounds & effects to make a new & improved sound! Like combining synths with samples, or multiple synths, ect, ect.
  3. Combine all 4 tracks on to 1 track freeing up the other 3 tracks (there is another way to do this as well I think).
  4. Further manipulation of a sound (not just stacking effects) like resampling synths allows you to further manipulate it as a sample… so you can use the sampling features too. & it can produce new ideas & sounds.

Would love to hear if anyone knows of other uses. I’m sure there are a lot of them!!!


Elektron could stop the production of the Octatrack for about a year and let the rumors spread and … ask double the price ? :grinning:

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It’s simple, they knew they could ask way more for the OP1 since they were sold second hand for alot of cash.

Yeah, same.

Looks like it’s being well received everywhere (lol…), congrats TE. Way to lose the respect/trust/admiration/sales of a significant heap of customers/potential customers. True colours don’t wash…

Reddit and other forum reactions are equally negative, non-plussed, or worse…

Also good for repitching the sound of me spending my money elsewhere :wink:

HAHA… now how would you be able to resample yourself if you don’t have an Op-1? hhhhmmmm. Guess you could borrow someone else’s!!

$1,000 is a lot of money. I watched the Op-1 for years prior to buying it. Took me awhile to see the appeal. Playing with my K.O. is actually what got me to pull the trigger.