T4 on Octa not making sound?

It’s either a bug or I’m very dumb.

On part 2, I can’t get any sound to come out of track 4. But on part 3, it’s fine. I’ve tried clearing all page parameters, I’ve tried switching it out from static to flex, but it won’t even play sound when I preview samples in the folder. It’s not set to cue. What stupid thing did I do? What settings am I missing?

Its not a bug. Check all scenes. Check all trigs for errant p locks. Check slide trigs.

Check level, pan. amp vol, is there a neighbour machine?

Check mutes, solo, cue.


I have no trigs on it. I’ll check scenes. In fact, now that you mention it, I know for a fact that’s what it is because of how I used to have this track set up

Is T4 flashing? The Button?
Maybe you cued it by accident. Happened to me. In the middle of the heat hitting cue+track instead of func+track.
The perceived outcome was the same: the track was silent but I couldn’t ‘un-mute’ it with func+track.