Litoria Caerulea. They get in my downpipes and honk away to the polypipe reverb. Ive never heard the call you posted though, could be a regional thing.
If I remember yeah sure. Around summer time is when they get noisy. Ive got Litoria Fallax (eastern dwarf tree frog) around my house too, they make a great noise.
thanks! could’ve make it better with some extra lfo work, but didn’t have too much time
poor mans rain noises also could be better with some notch filter…
Brilliant idea. I’ve often thought places like Elektronauts should have (non-competitive) competitions that get participants to mimic via synth e.g. a different bird call each week. Nothing would test a sound designer more. I have a collection of Australian bird calls at the ready. Would love to hear someone’s take on a kookaburra, butcherbird lr Aussie magpie!
Went looking for references, these are pretty funky.
I didn’t know magpies attack cyclists in Stroilya, hahaha.
Everything is out to get you there isn’t it?