Synthesize this... Froggy

Inspired by @oktatracker and @williohm, I thought I’d post a little sound design challenge, for amusement.

This is not a mission, no deadline, no voting.
Open end, and just for having a bit of fun.

Perhaps this could become a weekly thing if other Nauts are interested.

Use whatever tools you like - except the original sample obviously - to mimic the Australian green tree frog’s mating call as you hear it.

But most importantly, have fun!!!

I’ll give it a try myself later, probably on modular, we’ll see.
Haven’t put much thought into it, just came up with the idea.

Mod edit: this is definitely a mission, aka challenge for 'Nauts :slight_smile:


Litoria Caerulea. They get in my downpipes and honk away to the polypipe reverb. Ive never heard the call you posted though, could be a regional thing.


I’m certainly no expert! :slight_smile:

Right, I think this might actually be the American variety, Dryophytes cinereus - sorry…

But you know, any frog will do.

Amazing. Could you record them, come mating season? :pray:

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If I remember yeah sure. Around summer time is when they get noisy. Ive got Litoria Fallax (eastern dwarf tree frog) around my house too, they make a great noise.


shitty 5 minutes attempt on DN…


Wow, that’s pretty good!
Ambience included, nice.

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thanks! could’ve make it better with some extra lfo work, but didn’t have too much time :slight_smile:
poor mans rain noises also could be better with some notch filter…

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First attempt using BS2 and Microbrute.
8bit vibes…


Syntakt, three tracks

really fun to do, kids gave support by keep saying it wasn’t the same yet

there in bed now so i can declare it same-y enough for my taste.


Pretty much nailed the faster sound. Nice ambience, too.
Very cool!

Brilliant idea. I’ve often thought places like Elektronauts should have (non-competitive) competitions that get participants to mimic via synth e.g. a different bird call each week. Nothing would test a sound designer more. I have a collection of Australian bird calls at the ready. Would love to hear someone’s take on a kookaburra, butcherbird lr Aussie magpie!


Just need a bit of sponsoring for the A4.
Could you quickly pass a hat around guys? :wink:

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Okay, here’s some Pulse2:


Try a cycling envelope on the filter. :grinning:

Don’t feel embarrassed. My treefrog was pretty bad, lol.

Is it the ‘gru gru’ the ‘nyeeeee’ or both at the same time?

… ah, you mean the frog.

I tried both in my poor attempt last summer, but “as you hear it” was short for do wtf you want with it :slight_smile:

I will come up with a new challenge.

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Flying frogs ?

Dude the frog was last year. :grin:

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Ah, I missed the new birdy one.
This one is interesting too.


Went looking for references, these are pretty funky.
I didn’t know magpies attack cyclists in Stroilya, hahaha.
Everything is out to get you there isn’t it?

I might try the butcherbird.

Laughing Kookaburra:

File:Australian Magpie Serenade.webm - Wikipedia

Grey butcherbird: