Synth to pair with Octatrack?

Hi guys, I currently have gotten hold of an OT Mk2 and I’m thinking of buying something nice to feed/sample the OT with.

I have a Microfreak and it goes well with its dry signals and different sounds together with OT’s fantastic Fx’s, but I sant something more! I also have an blofeld desktop.

I’m not really into creating/sculpting sounds alot so I prefer ready patches I can customise myself, my main aim is Ambient layers of sound (if that makes any sense?).

I have had my eyes on the Minilogue XD, Also the Modal Cobalt8. Considering getting the Digitone, (will only fm be enough?).

Any suggestions? :slight_smile:

Microfreak and Blofeld are both pretty deep synths. What limits have you hit with them as far as creating sounds? That will tell you what to look for if anything.


Korg wavestate looks pretty exciting for all concerned.

See ambient here:

Love that “beauty vox piano” sound.

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You should make use of the synths you have until you have exhausted them.

Blofeld is fantastic, you can use various synthesis techniques to create nearly any sound.

It has over 1000 presets covering all genres and sound types.

It’s multi-timbral so you could potentially route 8 different sounds from Blofeld to the 8 midi tracks on Octatrack.

Don’t get drawn into the trap of thinking you need a certain synth for “that” sound.


Something more analog-flavoured might complement the current stuff you have.


Mc-101 seem like the go to for tweaking presets

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The Octatrack is a beast of a central music making piece.

I’ll tell you about my setup, which I think is reasonably full-featured (minus loop layering and other OT goodies) and maybe you’ll get some ideas.

Digitakt - Sampling/Drum centerpiece (probably redundant if you’re rocking the OT)

Digitone - Sometimes a multi-timbral FM synth, sometimes holding down the fort with drums, bass, core song stuff, depending. This is a unique little beast and a favorite piece of kit for me.

MicroMonsta 2 - 2x6 or 1x12 voice VA/FM/WT synth. A little light on the FM or WT, but not really critical since I mostly use it for poly (virtual) analog sounds. Sometimes sequenced from the Digitone, sometimes played live, and on rare occasions, I’ll sample something from it into the Digitakt. To me, this little wonder sounds so good, I find myself getting lost just playing it sometimes.

CIrcuit Mono Station - For when I just HAVE to have some real analog. Single voice or paraphonic. Plus, with its parameter locking, patch flipping sequencer, I can get CRAZY drum/percussive/tonal or mixes of all three in sequences that have an almost modular sequenced analog sound. GREAT for sampling from into my Digitakt. I could imagine some VERY interesting stuff if you sampled entire sequences (melodic, bass, drones, drums, percussion, crazy noises) from something like this into an Octactrack as loops, then went to town with madness piled on madness.

I also have a couple of keyboard controller choices, a Keystep for portability and a full sized Novation for more “serious” playing.

I don’t have some things in my current core setup that others might deem critical, like a rompler, a strong WT synth, time-stretched loop layering, etc., but for the sounds and music that I’m creating right now, my small focused setup is keeping me creative without going down a gear rabbit hole.

I don’t know how much of this is relevant to your Octatrack-based needs, but maybe you’ll get some ideas from what I’m up to with my particular choice of modules, ignoring the Digitakt, which I’m guessing you don’t need.


Just be aware this is just a fixed part of the human condition and may not be useful in identifying actual needs.

I think if you just want and endless index of presets, a used laptop or iPad will give you the most bang for your buck. Lots of cheap/free apps all with loads of wonderfully textured presets suitable for ambient (or anything else).

I like talking about synths though. So if you have any questions about the minilogue xd or DN, I have both and love them in different ways.


ah, we’re all about to get shuffled over into that thread, aren’t we?

You’re going to get (and already have had) so many different suggestions. I would narrow it down even more so people can make more targeted suggestions. So, I’m assuming you want a polyphonic synth for your “ambient layers”? How many voices should it have? 4 is enough, or 8, or even 20? Analog or digital? Subtractive synthesis, wavetables, FM? Should it be a synth with full-size keys, mini keys or a desktop module? Pads or something else instead of keys? Musical scales included? Internal FX needed? Etc etc


No. This question is unique to the OPs needs and desires.
But there’s some good existing discussion that can also be referenced. That’s why I linked it.


Since you have two octatracks at the moment, is it possible that the best synth to pair with the OT is the OT?

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I could certainly second the Mono Station…I don’t know how well it does “ambient layers” like the OP is after (I’m not quite sure what an ambient layer is tbf). But it is very immediate and not too deep. You might like the Elektron style sequencer (it has a lot of similar features).

I also seem to remember there being preset packs for the Blofeld though. Not sure if people are still making them.

I mean if that is all you are after you might just consider a sample pack–what is the difference between tweaking presets and molding bought samples inside the Octa?

For me nothing comes to mind as preset tweaking machine…maybe the new MC series by Roland. I don’t know anything about the big work station keyboards but that’s what comes to mind when I think presets. Or 90’s romplers.


That Elektron style sequencer in the Circuit Mono is what got me into Elektrons in the first place. I loved patch flipping and the way I could live or step sequence ANY knobbed parameter on the CMS, so I ended up getting a Digitone so I could have even more of that style of workflow. Been in love with the Elektron Way ever since.

So yeah, the CMS will definitely have a bit of a familiar feel to someone already versed in Elektrons, totally agree. :slight_smile:


Yea, for sure! I’d owned Elektrons but that was a selling point for me (also the overdrive and distortion on board which both sound pretty great to my ear). I don’t know if that helps the OP at all…but I love the Circuit Mono Station, at the price point I don’t know if I’d recommend another mono synth to a beginner (unless they wanted a particular vibe).


For me. No.
A good mono with unique and high quality FX is what I prefer. Dreadbox Typhon.

That way you can just use OT EQs and compressors. It’s efficient.

The more I use other instruments with great FX, or samples with great FX baked in, the more I can use OT comps and EQs and not have to lean on outboard or plugins. And the final result sounds real good, considering how little gear is actually being used.

Plus, I’d rather p-lock an EQ and a compressor than fire up a dynamic EQ plugin that will only make my tracks sound as good when there is a computer in the chain.

It’s an exercise worth trying out, if you haven’t yet. Use FX on the way in, and only EQ, comp, maybe a tempo sync’d delay on the OT.
P-lock them all, and hear how much more you can dial in your mix with the OT as the mixer.


Thank you everyone for all the suggestions, to narrow it down I quoted you with your questions,

Polyphonic? - Yes, 4 will do but preferably 8 or more.
Analog or digital? - Digital will do, but VA or just analog doesn’t really matter.
Synthethis?- I’m kind of open for suggestions here (:grinning:), I think what I want is probably a “jack of all trades”-type of synth.
Keys? - mini-keys or desktop will do, but a small form factor is a plus.
Internal FX - Not a must, I’ll probably resample it through the OT before I’m done.
Presets - as I stated in my OP, I’m not really that good at creating my own sounds, so I prefer to load up sounds and tweak them to my liking.
Also the ability to store many sounds and also load up/buy new presets/banks is a main feat for me.
Control/Knobs - I prefer to have a “one-function-per-knob”-type of control (not really into menu-diving - hence my somewhat mixed relationship to the Menu-diving I use on the Blofeld, I had the MC-101 for a short time and that one ticks a lot of boxes above, but the menu-diving is hedious!)
Price range - about 800EUR/950USD is my limit, but preferably lower. :slight_smile:


SH-01A would suit those needs, and cost you less than half of the budget.