Syntechno Vol 1 - Elektron Syntakt Preset Pack

My first Preset Pack for the Elektron Syntakt, with 145 Techno Presets


Looks like you need to update transfer app too :smiley: Says new version available for you lol.

I didn’t expect, that anybody will see this.

I tried to download the new version and had too many problems with the new Elektron Page, so never change a running System

It is so sad, that they still didn’t fix their page that many days after launch :frowning: I think there will be an OT mk3 before we have a useable Website again.

Yeah this is strange, and there was no need for a new Page.
You can also work on the website until it is finished and the old version will still run.

Update for Elektron Transfer version 1.5 is now avaible.

Till 11/28/22 I’ll give a 30% discount on this product with the discount code



There was a little Problem with the Discount Button, now it’s fixed.