Syntakt upgrade/uplevel forthcoming!

I cant keep up with all these cool firmware updates across my various devices.

Cool its supposed to be this week?



It isn’t only about RAM, but also CPU. Stereo-samples would most likely double the CPU use, and it has been said from various sources that the Digitakt is close to the limit already.

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and isn’t it possible already albeit with losing a track for L R samples hard panned, which may have to happen anyway if they actually made it a thing.

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Mine too! This is why it wasn’t as clear cut to me to swap the Syntakt for a Digitone: I had a sense that this thing would continue to evolve, and now they made it clear it is. Let’s hope it’s polyphony. If not by this update, then within the next few months at least. :pray:


You sound a little jaded my friend. This is the same tone of voice I hear people use to talk about politics.

Just relax and enjoy the device for what it is.

Or, maybe be proactive, study electronic design and start your own company. Maybe Elektron is hiring?


True but I’ve suggested disabling features on stereo tracks to free up the required CPU cycles. One of the filters, one of the LFO’s, the BRR effect, and/or the sends.

Linked tracks would also be fine with me.

Wednesdays usually I think…


1GB is already quite small for all the stuff I want to dump on a Digitakt, I don’t think that Elektron would deny the flexibility of half the space as a very useful tradeoff.

I am curious about whatever reasons of hardware/Overbridge/firmware might have led to the design decision, “you’ll run out of space too quickly” would seems odder to me in the context of all their other idiosyncratic approaches.

I think it’s been Wednesdays historically: Next Wednesday


Would make sense, a final push before everyone spends all of their Black Friday budget on other things. My guess is that we will be treated to all the usual synthfluencer videos tomorrow.

My dream update:

  • voice stealing/polyphony
  • arpeggiator
  • a wavetable machine

Another one? The Chord Machine uses wavetables.

Or do you mean “user wavetables”?


Not the same but step recording could probably help in this situation.

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Yeah, user wavetables would be amazing, but I would be happy with a more flexible wavetable machine or maybe an implementation like a hydrasynth-light where you can mix a fixed selection of waveforms.


Yes I would love a wavetable machine that actually sounds good!

I’m wondering if the fuel this thread has added to the expectations of the coming upgrade will be justified or if it will have overhyped and potentially overshadowed a cool upgrade because people went wild with expectations of wavetable + sample player machines, analog effects/compressor being engaged, etc.

I’m curious to see how this plays out.


It kinda mirrors the anticipation of what the Syntakt was going to be before it was released… all kinds of speculation, seemed like a dedicated performance mixer is/was high on peoples’ want list… like an Elektron version of the 1010 Bluebox or TE TX6, or Roland MX-1… I’m still hopeful for this at some point!


Sadly the speed at which our brains can conceive of ideas and the speed of actually building things is very different. But elektron has made some seriously significant updates in the past, so I could see one or two of the ideas being talked about in this thread happening. But also I would be pretty happy with the syntakt even if it never got any more updates.


Hopefully some sort of black metal choir devices that we can plug into the Syntakt, whilst enjoying an elektron pilsner

Mr Kick
Mrs Clap
Brother Tom Tom
Sister Hi Hat
and so on


Is it really wavetables and not some form of FM modulation with multipliers to achieve overtones? No matter how I dial in the Chords machine, it sounds way too soft, like it’s a bunch of stacked sine waves. There’s no proper saw, no proper square, nothing that’s actually harsh/gritty/crisp. If that’s wavetable, that’s wavetable done very poorly in my humble opinion. :orangutan: