Superbooth 2024 (May 16 - 18)

I’m guessing Polyend will have a Tracker+ or Tracker 2 to show.

There have been some pretty steep discounts on the full-size Tracker lately, and they ran a thread soliciting ideas for a revised version on their forum several months back.

Supply of the Tracker still seems pretty plentiful, though, so I’m guessing whatever they show will not be shipping immediately. Perhaps fall?

Last year’s Superbooth had two pretty massive and intriguing prototype projects from small startups. Both are back again this year, and still under progress.

Reliq Hybrid Control Surface




Lambda Synthetics PolyPulse




They might also show a ‘Polyend Wave

If a real product, easiest guess would be wavetable synth.


ADDED : This was for the PrssPnt and Ch.Svr modules. ( Press point, and Channel Server – a condensation of Maths. )



They announced the Astrolab before SFF.

They can continue to ride that wave, through SB.

That product is ready made for change, small ones adding engines, and patch libraries, and larger ones in hardware versions in the years to come. But they only need ro show up with Astrolab, as is, to draw attention.

And Arturia may have other announcements stacked up for SB. There are the two quiet secrets, that we are aware of so far. I am guessing at least one of those will be a splash at the show.

This is all set for a big year at SB. Will Arturia be part of that ?

ADDED : It looks like maybe they are about to announce sample import and three granular based engines for the Minifreak. I posted about that in the Minifreak thread.

I did a whole album with the V collection. Not sure why anyone with the collection would want to pay twice for the same product?

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The reasons pro and con for this are fairly well discussed and considered in the Astrolab thread.


Attending Superbooth for the first time this year! Question, do exhibitors usually have stock on hand to sell? Like, would Elektron actually have any DTII’s to pick up from the show?


No gear sales at Superbooth. The event is huge but, in fact, it doesn’t feel very commercial. The point is to meet, ask, tweak, chat.


looks like an abacus!

:star: There is an asterisk with that. As with many shows SB has DIY Kit building workshops. You need to pre-register for these.

I think I found them all, but please anyone, add to this.

The other thing that you can buy at the show is FOOD.

ADDED : Related to buying stuff. Many shops run SB sales online, but that of course gets delivered as usual.


As _RRR reports in this post Modal found a buyer ( Alltronics ) and is financially stable and back to business.

They are at SB so we can look forward to what they will show this year. Looking forward to this.


Ogh yeah! Its time for the full scale sonic mutation!

In the meantime: there are nice wave “mutators” in Xfer Serum, probably there’re a bit more of them than in Hydra? Maybe it’s impossible but I wouldn’t mind to have mutator module to use with other oscillators, or it won’t work with 3rd party oscs?

Need to figure out what those mutators actually are.

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Always good to ask, sometimes it worx really well

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Does anyone know if you can buy tickets at the entrance on the day… for me it may have to be a very last minute trip so I would need to just show up and buy a ticket guessing they won’t sell out or anything?

Something big always is dropped/gets leaked a few days before these events. Its quite a smart move to do as you can get overlooked if you wait for Superbooth. So get in with a surprise ninja type move when nobody expects. :happy:

Sooo, is polyend going to drop a new tracker? I am thinking about buying a used one now

No idea what it will be, but there is a teaser in the Polyend newsletter they sent yesterday.

may you send that to me?

And as dzyndzel noted above Polyend may have a product they call “Wave” in progress.