Superbooth 2022

Interesting. Price?


relevant video timestamp

This looks interesting. It would be nice next to my Vermona meloDICER.

$599 usd

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Gaz also interviews George Hearn and he talks a little about developing the MPE interface on his synths, and all the testing he does so things work.

Interesting how quiet George got when Gaz asked him about the possibility of a poly-aftertouch keyboard. Gaz has no hesitation of asking those sorts of questions.


That sounds amazing!!! Bastl really do fantastic stuff… one of these days, I’m going to construct a sleek all Bastl system…

600 bones

Eight channel Euclidean sequencer – VIRAM Octopus


They also will have a single channel version.


What the heck?? - Beastly

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Soundfreak is showing a licensed version of the central part of the EMS Synth VCS In Buchla 4U format.


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Stolperbeats from Making Sound Machines is a drum trigger sequencer designed to create shuffled beats.

DivKid ( please don’t insult him ) does a full review of the Stolperbeats in this seven minute video.

Make Sound Machines website




Three dimensional hand motion tracking and MIDI control with the MIDI3D and the MIDIGLOVE.

Connects with Ableton, Bitwig, Reaper, and other DAWs with live MIDI or OSC. The company is called MIDI3D. They offer quite a few different options at a variety of different prices.


Hope it’s not some weird overpriced merch or concept clothing line but an actual decent bit of hardware.

Happy Superbooth Day Everyone! And if you are lucky enough to attend in person, have fun and let us know how it is!


My Wallet is not looking forward to today. Its cowering in the corner of a darkened room.


Now available in black.


Oh my god, literally have two LedRovers in my cart to get for stereo processing, glad I didn’t pull the trigger.

A huge amount of functionality in a fairly small size; looks potentially useful for smaller racks at 16HP.

  • processing unit without fixed structure: intuitively create astonishing and ephemeral timbres, from atmospheric rumbles to heavy or distorted textures.
  • creative stereo effect processor with delay, reverb, filter and distortion with quickly explorable routing chain with single button press.
  • new generation ARM Cortex - M7 processor with 96 kHz 32 bit internal processing.
  • lush hall and whooshing reverse reverbs with audio freeze and pre-delay.
  • sidechain audio ducking envelope available both internally and externally with additional one knob single band compressor.
  • tap delay with maximum delay time up to 2.5 seconds, external clock input with onboard clock divider and 1v/oct time control.
  • 8x oversampled distortion algorithm.
  • pre- and post - VCA, tone and volume controls with extra gain.

its probably very good.
but…that particular influencer endorsement…

not for me thanks.

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Holy shit that’s jam packed!