Superbooth 2022

Great overview Joey and soma enner sounded amazing :+1:

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I went down a rabbit hole trying to resolve this for some modules myself but didn’t find any products useful for it (Sharpy will work, but I feel it would look a bit ugly…) - I still think there must be some kind of liquid version of stage-lighting gels that could help dampen them - but I haven’t found anything…

Mutable Instruments Blades could literally land planes the LED’s are insane on it.

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Today 5:30 pm: talk with Dave Smith and Tom Oberheim :slightly_smiling_face:


Calling @sabana. See above post :slight_smile:


I’ve got some neutral density gels that come as small stickers which work well if you’ve got a flat-ish surface for them.

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This looks cool


Off topic/on topic- if you’re fighting overly bright leds on gear (qubit data bender I’m looking at you) these sort of stickers come in super handy:

There’s different levels of light blocking available from a little to 100%.

(Not endorsing, just posting as an example)


Thanks Craig. Im only 20 odd years off there age so it feels like coming home :slight_smile:

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I use a Japanese masking tape called Washi tape. It works wonders on ultra bright LEDs and doesn’t permanently mark anything up. I use tiny pieces of the white Washi tape and layer it until I get the desired level of brightness on the LEDs. It’s totally saved my eyes.

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That manatee sounds like a buy for me. Might be my first kickstarter.

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I figure they’re probably not great for exposed LED’s but maybe good if there’s a screen over them!

I considered plasticoat (as it’s also removable), spray some into the lid and use a fine paint brush - that’s the closest thing to a good idea I got but realised I was starting to get a bit carried away

Shot a few cool videos today. Mainly a great sound demo of the motor synth. Played with it a bit myself as well. Crazy thing.
Also played with pulsar23 for the first time. Damn :man_facepalming:t3: I shouldn’t have done that.
Think I’ll release a video or two this weekend.


That motor synth is wild - look forward to watching that video!


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Putting on small bits of gel would be frustrating. I might just sharpie it.


There is little to no new info on the Winter Modular / Plankton Electronics Zaps. Please go and check it out everyone! I am really interested in the module as a sample source.

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Does it require oil for the motors?:kissing:

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That would be cool because you would tied to maintaining it in between sessions

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Sonic State did a video on Zaps yesterday.