Superbooth 2020

Maybe talking about the refund for this discussion. My status ‘Refund request pending’.

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I wonder is it just taking them time to process the refunds, or is it something else? I’d guess Superbooth is fairly well funded, but they certainly had a lot of up front costs, and making all these changes and refunding the money, has got to be pulling down their resources.

Curious if vendors will reveal new products around that time or wait?


i think that this would be a perfect time to get rid of these monumental and resources-wasting “fairs”: prices for showcasing something is often very high, it is not really accessible. and Superbooth is even one of the most accessible and “open” formats, but still it would be nice to see how companies find creative solutions with these situations.

we could have live-streams, beautiful audiovisual performances that could be streamed or somehow processed e.g.
etc. etc.

there would be so many possibilities to avoid all this megalomaniac showcasing…


True, it’s a perfect time for many industries to look at change and experiment with different ideas to promote their brand.


Be happy to see this thread continue for any Superbooth related releases, but yeah, have to say it’s now a terrible time to release a product.

Do you have any credible sources to support your claim? I mean credible as in WHO for example? It‘s not usually my style to be this harsh, but your post reeks of ignorance and egotism and I find the pictures of large gatherings in parks and such quite disturbing. They are clearly a result of a mindset similar to yours. Unfortunately, it‘s not the most ignorant ones that will pay the bill, but rather the most vulnerable ones.


“All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone”


Do you really understand why they closed so many places ? So people won’t infect each other and spread it everywhere else inside and outside of the country. So these people won’t end up in emergencies where nurses and doctors already have their hands full. It’s a sacrifice everyone can make to save lives.


I think all of us could benefit from watching live stream gear videos and give the virus a break for a while. I hope they do that.


I disagree on video strimings,
on the subject of the virus, the measures taken are not proportional to danger , and there is a reason why.

I wonder what sort of impact this and coronavirus will have on companies. With the economic outlook, I don’t think I could afford to risk keeping my Osmose preorder (for example). If others think the same then what will this do to Expressive E.

Must be pretty bleak for a lot of smaller companies.


I was just thinking the same thing re: Expressive E. I’m right on the verge of cancelling my Osmose pre-order as I’ve just had unofficial word that all of my upcoming work until November has been pulled. Part of me is clinging on to the glimmer of hope that this will not be as prolonged as it may presently appear and we return to some semblance of normality, but if this word becomes official, I cannot justify £1k+ on something that I don’t actually need.
If everyone has the same idea, surely that will make it incredibly difficult for Expressive E to finance the further development of it.
Slightly more worrying but off topic, a proper fist fight just broke out between two meatheads in the dog food isle at Asda!

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Small businesses are going to take a major hit. It’s entirely likely that we’ll see several close up shop. It’s possible that governmental measures may be able to help, but whether that’s enough is unknown.

@Chinchilla - That’s rough news. I hope you make it through. Cancelling through to November seems excessive. I hope things recover sooner than that for you.


@cold_fashioned Thanks brother, I’m just one of millions I’m afraid but sincerely appreciate you kindness.
Our Chancellor has just announced they will do whatever it takes to protect business and families alike. £330 billion package equalling 15% of GDP.
Anyhoo, thanks again.

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you still dont get it. These numbers are maybe a week old and rely on tested ones (and these will go up in no time!), the unknown number of infections we will probably never know. Maybe the BfA is happy, but start losing your family like your older parents, maybe that will change your mind…

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You shouldn’t call something “nonsense” until reading and understanding all the information on the RKI homepage about the pandemia. Those guys at the RKI know what they are talking about … much more then anybody of us.

Not accepting the fact is …

What you call “nonsense” I call “responsibility for the community”.

Be happy to live in a country, where so few people died from the virus. To keep this as low as possible, preventive measures are to be taken to reduce the risk to infect more and more people.

I see it as a benefit that German government seems to listen to scientists and experts, considers the facts and analysis of people, who know what they are talking about, and tries to reduce the outbreak as much as possible.

It’s as simple as this:

  • the more people meet in the open or in closed rooms, the more will get infected
  • more infected will generate more critical infected
  • more critical infected need treatment in a hospital and can overload the medical system
  • an overloaded medical system will not be able to save lives

Let’s not forget … up to date … the number of infected increases by an exponential function. This can only be reduced by staying away from each other, meeting only in very small groups, keeping it as hygienic as possible, and going shopping only for mandatory goods and medicine.


Back on topic – SonicShows

In todays SonicTallk #611 (right after the Izotope plug) Nick talks about the organizing he is doing to put together his SonicShows project to fill in for Superbooth. He will be doing things like he does with the Sonic Talk shows with guests and presentations to put together a forum for the unveiling of new products. He is asking for companies to contact him and then plan things out. Would be good to see other people be doing similar sorts of presentations.

The other thing that Nick does, is he gives recognition to the people at Superbooth and all the good work they have been doing.


I think bobeats mentioned doing the same thing


I’ve created a new thread for more discussion of online trade shows – hopefully there’s one specifically this year to replace Superbooth.