Stop/Start for instant pattern change

This also works for jumping to the start of the current pattern. I haven’t had much need on the OT but on other sequencers I’ve done it a lot over the years, and you get to a point where you can basically play a flam with two fingers on the stop and play buttons to stop and restart in a single motion (one finger hits stop and the other hits play an instant later, but the actual movement is your hand and arm, not your fingers). I think the OT MKI would be really well suited for this because of the action of the buttons.


Does it work well with Prog Change only?

I just noticed you can hold stop and start the pattern each time you hit play.
I was doing this with my Jomox Xbase 09 before, It was synced to one step.
Plays Free tracks can be synced !

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I noticed that once but forgot about it… :slight_smile:

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Oh wow, I didn’t notice that. That is extremely useful.

HI there.
I don’t know if this has been resolved in another thread.
I recently bought a Pyramid. Been an old time OT user.
I am using this technique slightly altered and everything works snappy changing patterns on the fly(relatching them in PYRAMID terminology)
Instead of using start stop messages I use the restart midi note (B-35).
I have setup a pyramid track which sends to the auto channel and has patterns. Each pattern are set to play one time and has it’s own MSB-PG settings along with a restart midi note on the first step.Patterns change rapidly if I set PYRAMID tracks to change its own patterns insta or on the beat.
Really useful since that I have abandoned the OT Arranger which was always cumbersome for me.

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Maybe this helps?

You have to wait till 7m30s to have the answer. Boring.
Just a midi Restart (B35) as above @Kraftf’s post. Nothing new.


Hi buddies!
By any chance: no way with digitone to do this, right? I tried, but failed.

With Program Changes? Should work.
But Digitone has Multi Map, possible to use it to play patterns…

PAT.PLAY maps a chosen pattern to a specific keyboard range.

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I think i created a simple blokas midihub patch to Instantly switch running patterms (no legato)!from a midi Controller/sequencer (in my case Deluge) on all Elektron boxes in my setup (DN/ DT/ Octatrack). I can Share it if anyone wants. Needs some testing first.


You can always share it in the Files section for future users.

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I made a little video on the subject if it can help some.


Mine is similar but for Octatrack it does Not work with just Start. I use note on and note off for Ot for a stop/ prgm Change/ start. And for DT and D N i have Pipes pretty mich the Same as yours. Meaning Working with note on messages that are Transformed into pgm ch./start. This is so nice No more workarounds wohoo.

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Hey all - was anyone able to get the Octatrack instant pattern change script working by using a Retrokits RK002?

I tried using the “Elektron Instant Pattern Switch” and “Digitakt Instant Pattern Switch” code found on the Retrokits DUY, but did not have any luck (links below), probably because they send MIDI start / stop messages as opposed to note values which the Octatrack recognizes.

Am I understanding correctly that in order to do this on the Octatrack we would need to trigger the note values that correspond to Start/Stop messages? A1(33), A#1(34), B1(35) are Seq Stop, Seq Stop/Start, and Seq Start/Restart respectively.

If so, would I need to send A1 33 Seq Stop > Program Change > B1 35 Seq Start/Restart ? Or would it be A1 33 Seq Stop > Program Change > A#1 34 Seq Stop ?

Here are the Retrokits links for the ones that don’t work with OT but apparently work with DT:

Thanks in advance for any pointers!

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Use notes for the OT.
Cue pchange, send stop, send start.

B1 35 restart note seems more appropriate (sent just after PC).

Not got the chance to try this yet but when performing an instant change via this method, does the next sequence start at step one or pick up from where it left off? Is there a way the latter might be possible? It’s one of my favourite behaviours in a sequencer!

Direct jump! It’s pretty much the only feature request I have for the :elot:


Is it possible to get the Octatrack instant pattern change script working by using a Retrokits Rk002 ? @grit

Do I understand this correct, there has to be an external trigger (from a midi controller) send from Rk002 to OT for an instant pattern change ?

Did some one get this to work for the OT and Rk002 ?

Could this work with a DAW + midi controller + Rk002 and OT ?

Do I need a Blokas Midihub for this ?