Stimming’s Instant Mastering Chain

If you look at the Doctron website, the similar devices are around €3500. I imagine it will be around this kind of price, if not a little more…

Oof… how many live dawless geeks would pay that kinda money?


There is a definitely some gap in the market for “bedroom producers” for all-in-one “mastering” silver bullet sort of devices. There are some, of course (like AH, BOUM, RNLA, etc), but I feel that there could be more solutions.

If the price of this unit is in 2-3k euro range, it’s makes more sense to buy something from SSL, Elysia, etc


He’s shot himself in the foot really, with that ‘Octatrack does not sound good’ nonsense. I’m not going to buy a product from someone that hadn’t figured out the 16/24 bit deal…


I need it packaged in a 19" rack or 500 series format if it’s expected to cost $3500 or more.

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Call it NOTS - NoOctaTrackSound.


Yeah, ita bloody ugly. Why not call it the SIM ? Way more catchy.

Edit… and another thing… its one box… not really a chain is it? Yeah Im feeling picky this morning.

A boxed chain? Chain in a box? Anyways…one of us Elektronauts really has to buy it and then complain to him about how it’s ruining the Octatrack sound^^ :rofl:

My wife would certainly support that, we probaply don’t have the money, though^^


Think of it more like a master chain device (=last device in your chain with eq, saturation, compressor to achieve tonal balance, glue stuff together, control levels) than a mastering chain.
Also when you’re playing electronic music live, often you had a DJ playing mastered tracks before you and there might be one taking over after you. released a TC Finalizer inspired module (Golden Master) few months ago, such devices have become pretty popular lately…

And to this I say bollocks. Live music doesnt sound like played back recorded music. It just doesnt. No interest in comparing full dynamic range to squashed and packaged material. If the audience dont like, they know what they can do.

A live anlogue synth doing bass lines always kills any DJ anyway.


I guess it depends on location and crowd.
But yes, I agree. Two different things.

Maybe? I think it depends on physics. Its about moving air right? The more air you can move the better, so if the cone is making big oscillations, with nice clean movments, the ear goes ’ holy crap thats nice!’ If the cone is making lots of fast movements with not much space in between, regardless of how loud it is, the ear goes ’ yeah ok, what else?’

Anyway thats my take on it. Personally I dont want to sound like a dj, so for live purposes I play raw. Never once felt sonically inadequate.

Edit. Anyway, back to the topic. I wish Martin Stimming well with his black box, I hope he sells tons of them.

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And I certainly wasn’t implying there’s any reason to feel that way.

Yep, back to topic.

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No parametric mids? :sob:

What’s the crossover frequency of that EQ? Or shelving points?

End of chain warming units like these?


Woah, they’ve got their own feedback loop. Nice.


I’m worried they might make my music sound muffled…


Nah dude its fuzz and warmth. All the rage.

Stops you doing pointless knob tweaks as well.



yeah? damn. in the linked SB video it looks like zero room treatment too. interesting way to spend your money…