Status update on Digitakt OS

I agree completely with your statement.

But still. You can only stay up there -at the Elektron quality & price point- when the product does what the box says when you buy it, period. If it doesn’t, it will hurt the brand at some point. Communication or no communication.

We love hardware. It costs. We pay. Elektron delivers. Or not.

Back to the melodica, no software there :mage:

Just my 0.02

// Edit
And … at current digitakt status + price point, I rather look into an C&G Organelle (New OS)
Still going to get an OT next year :wink:

I paid 500 euros for mine and I’m keeping it despite the few crashes I’ve had on the the midi side. Not sure I’d keep it if I paid 770 euros though. That’s close to OT prices in the second-hand market. I’m looking forward to the OB implementation. Mono sampling means I can’t use samples that have stereo effects on them (they sound really bad) and stereo monitoring isn’t possible. I think this is a bigger drawback than I thought it would be. Anyhow, for sampling sources that have no stereo effects then it’s really good and I’m using it a lot - but it could be so much better. It would be good if there was a road map for future firmware updates. What are features that will be added and what features won’t be added. It’s good that Elektron are communicating here.

2017 may have be the most punch in the gut end of the year I live in the USA lmao now my Little Digitakt no update fml haha

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i friggin love Lemongrab

Feeling even better about selling off my digitakt.


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Do you know why we get incomplete, beta products and paying premium prices on top of it? It is our fault, the customers, we are responsible. Just take a look at this thread.

People are celebrating and thanking Elektron because they “communicated” with us, saying that their previous announcement is now invalid while not giving any info on an actual release date or features/bugs they are working on. I guess that’s enough for the hordes of fanboys but I am finding it unacceptable having a machine that unstable and full of bugs 7 months after its release. I’ve been waiting patiently for firmware updates but it seems like the spotlight is now on the new machines.

It’s a shame really, because when my DT works, I’m having a lot of fun and I’m digging the Elektron workflow, it’s a breath of fresh air for me. But I refuse to celebrate for an announcement which announces NOTHING.

Rant over.


Menuda chapuza. Me siento como un mono de laboratorio. Y, además, pagando dinero.


The guys made an arse of the DT launch. I don’t think anyone is denying that but for a few here, Elektron are dammed if they do, dammed if they don’t.

They could have kept schtum and it would have pissed folk off. Instead they have communicated an apologetic update on progress (or lack of). I welcome that to be honest.

Plus, bigger things to greet over than a delayed firmware update.


Mmm, yeah, not so sure that’s what people are saying here. I think it’s just nice to hear something other than the usual stony silence, and to acknowledge that. It’s a first step on the path towards making things right and repairing a reputation, imo.


I couldn’t agree more with this statement… I don’t even use my DT because without a proper song mode it has trouble fitting into my setup… So I’ve made the decision to wait and see if it’s going to happen… If not, I’ll have to abandon it… Be stronge Elektron, you can do it… I believe in you…lol

Tell it brother!

Glad of the update, and comms. But you must appreciate the disappointment from early adopters who paid a premium for the device. DT was almost completely unusable until 1.04 and since then, we still have bugfixes outstanding and promised features missing.

I’ve given up waiting for the OB and bought a portable audio interface. Yes, I bought DT hoping to use it as an audio interface while on the road, as promised. Lesson learned.

The frustrating thing is how much potential DT has - but stability and the ability to backup/restore/manage samples and settings on this kind of box (with all its depth) are more than ‘nice to haves’.


I dont see anyone celebrating.

Cheers for the status update.

Jeers for not managing even a bug fix in months.

(Still love the DT btw)

It’s good to see communication from Elektron.

Can’t help but feel Elektron have tried to push out too many products in a short time frame without the ability to actually finish the first one properly. Oh well. With Overbridge and a good update the Digitakt will be a killer little box. Looking forward to that very much.


If they can’t fix the device in the eight months it’s been out, I wonder if it’s going to ever work properly. Maybe the hardware just isn’t up to the task.


I think realistically Digitakt bugs haven’t been worked on as much as anyone who bought one would have liked… the dev team being split between working on all the MKII units and fixing bugs on those as well. Its a bit of a bummer I still really like my Digitakt but we kind of got the short end of the stick when Elektron decided to try to push all the MKII units before getting Digitakt sorted. Still I would continue to use the Digitakt in the state it is in personally it has been a boon to my creativity.


i cant imagine this was ever the plan and I’m sure / hopeful that elektron have learnt the hard way (even worse than when they launched rytm/analog4/etc etc).
its definitely had an impact on my expectations of any new product they launch , this is the 1st one i bought day 1 , its unlikely to happen again.
however , it is the box i use the most , even with rytm/analog4/nord and lots of other equipment.

it could’ve been worse , but that would’ve spread around the net more quickly and i doubt anyone would touch their equipment…
i only hope that any external deadlines that pushed for an early release have been noted and the dev team get time to further develop their products before street dates/financial needs etc start to hit them.

the only ‘celebration’ i have is that elektron are a little more engaged in communication and things are just running a little late.
i hope the new OS is bug fixes and new features (even ones that overlap with other expensive hardware) , it couldn’t take this long to resolve a few bugs surely , its not like they’re developing a pc/xbox/ps4 game with 100’s of developers,artist,qa,audio and multiple hardware configurations which often need bug fixes on day 1 … there is serious money,logistics and time requirements to hit day 1 , this is small scale compared to that.

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song mode was never promised, don’t hold your breath