ST tips & tricks


i have another stupid question. how are you guys using the master filters? it’s nice to have master sweeps and whatnot but i really want to use enveloped double notch and lp notch filters with certain analog dvco patches to sculpt that particular sound. i guess you can only realistically do one at a time, or multiple very similar patches for a sort of paraphony, but would the only way to do this be to copy and paste the trig pattern to the fx track, at which point the gate trigs activate the master fx filter envelope?

i feel like there’s a smarter way, but im haven’t come up with anything yet

There isn’t a smarter way yet, to my knowledge.
Remember that you can plock the filter type. You won’t get both at once, but you can get different flavors in the same pattern.


thats a good point. i guess if i re-think how i use the master fx, i could make it work. instead of using it a literally a master bus, i could save the fx track for one or two tracks and only route those through. it will be like having an extra layer or sound design for at least one track

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It’s pretty open, and invites to experiment all the possibilities offered through env shapes, filter types and LFOs.

I personally intend to use AFX track to tame some continuous noise I’ll make from various tracks, and give the result a shape/a rhythm only with the master track envelopes.


Maybe a little journey along the way how some different harmonies fit together would be a good idea. There are some chord progressions, which are not hard to understand and to learn.

This video could be a nice entry point … it has a couple of good examples …

Or a book like: Chord Progressions forSongwirters, by Richard J. Scott


Not tried this yet but I’m assuming we can make the Trigs in the Analog FX only trigger during a Fill. This could be quite useful. Will have a play with this tonight.


Yes you can.

One gotcha I found (might be a bug) is that you can’t seem to use trigless locks on the FX track to trigger an envelope (at least not the amp envelope). Use a normal trigger instead and just disable any envelopes you don’t want using a plock; this works as expected, and you can use all of the existing conditional triggers.


That’s surely the only purpose of a normal trig on the FX track anyway, without triggering an envelope or lfo restart i’m not sure what else it delivers, so it’s almost implicit, but i guess the trig reset toggles can be cherry picked per step, so it may automatically convert a trigless lock to a normal trig when you enable the Amp Trig toggle

It’s a fun part of any Elektron with an FX track, it can be so powerful, especially when you use those trigless locks to occasionally transform fx and so on, and all on a track that can have its own length and tempo rate


That’s great! So I can keep my hopes up to see the (/a) very versatile bandpass filter also for instruments 1–8 :smiley: - some happy day in the future. :wink:

Wait. On tracks 1-8 (the digital ones), there is already a very versatile

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Really? That would be great - I thought I‘ve seen only LP HP and EQ with the digital ones. Will check. Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

page 2 is your friend


= Press [FLTR] twice


:flushed: There was a page 2? :grimacing:
(… :astonished: flashbacks to return of tests in school …) :rofl:
Thank you so much. You my friend, are my friend.
Now let’s tame the ST!!! :smiley:


Check out the other “page two’s” too, there are even more :slightly_smiling_face:


And the pages of the f… manual :wink:
Lots of interesting things there!


hey if you dont wanna read the manual i’mma keep making these
… the thumbnails are going to get worse and worse though just sayin.


Yeah, this chord business is great. I was trying to modulate the voice param of the chord, with the LFO. Basically to have the LFO be like me playing with the knob :slight_smile:

I tried making a square wave that basically oscillated between 0 and 127 but with a little fuzz/randomness in there. Unfortunately I wasn’t as successful with my LFO as I was just tweaking the knob :smiley:

Open to ideas…

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Why a square? A triangle would go through all the intermediate values, no?