Squarp Instruments Hapax Polychronic Performance Sequencer

About the video, it kind of sounds like the audio is just the raw oscilloscope input signal.
I’m guessing this because, when there is a lot on the screen, there is also a lot of sound.

It’s obvious that Squarp is finally releasing a box of green squiggles. I lost my old squiggles a while ago, so these will be welcome replacements.


yeah this is (in my experience) the norm of this kind of thing…
basically you get to hear the sound that is actually producing the image.
… so you get that direct 1-1 relationship.

so its a step beyond music visualisation… where visual and music are one.

… its fun, but never seen it go on for quite so long :slight_smile:

I remember seeing someone doing something very similar with a vectrex/eurorack at Superbooth one year… (2019?) … when I got back, I spent about a week looking to buy a vectrex to mod.

did you look under the sofa? … last time I lost my squiggles, I found the cats had been playing with them…

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Well now I’m going to have to get a cat so they can find the lost squiggles for me. Good looking out!

Do you mean Jason Hotchkiss? Isometric surface plotting on a Vectrex CRT under analog voltage control - YouTube (blog article: Stuff and Nonsense: Isometric surface plotting on a Vectrex CRT under analog voltage control)

I saw this and really wanted a vectrex too, but my electronics skills are too weak and I don’t really have time to do the mod.

it was one of the eurorack module manufactures that had it… I can’t remember where they said got the idea from originally… seems a few have been doing it for a while.

the info is out there to do it, and I was keen…
but I found the Vectrex as a game console has a bit of a vintage ‘value’, so the ones I looked at were around 500 euros, which was a bit much , since I might break it :wink:
Its probably easier/cheaper to just buy an old oscilloscope…

but then I got into looking at things like C&G Eyesy… so got a bit sidetracked :slight_smile:

I should ask Squarp what they used for this video … Im guessing now it’s being done real time.
(albeit, im sure a computer is just running thru a pre-defined script)

Eyesy is on my wish list. Been tinkering with Andrei Jay’s VSERPI which is lots of fun but all the adapters and cables have me craving an all-in-one solution.

definitely starting to look like something now, i think?

I got to say, though, nice laser mapping.

Definitely looking like something

2 screens*, 9 knobs and lots of buttons

*or one screen + one touch pad thing, as on the pyramid

An 8x16 grid of buttons, and also a D-pad. I doubt one of those screens is a touchpad – it would be awkward up there at the top.

That’s… a lot of pads?
Screen Shot 2022-03-01 at 10.44.35 AM



Ok the announcement is maybe actually starting!

The "hapax”?

Came back just at the right time. Hapax meaning from Wikipedia:

In corpus linguistics, a hapax legomenon (sometimes abbreviated to hapax, plural hapaxes) is a word or an expression that occurs only once within a context: either in the written record of an entire language, in the works of an author, or in a single text.

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It’s counting down from 12 minutes now. Something finally happening!

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Premiere of the trailer:


I just tattooed Hapax on my arm. This better be good.