Squarp Instruments Hapax Polychronic Performance Sequencer

Still trying to convince myself that I don’t need a Hapax / Oxi because the sequencer on Elektron boxes were expensive enough. :zipper_mouth_face:


Hermod+ indeed looks cool and would be high on my list of eurorack modules to buy in the coming months if I wasn’t a bit soured by the pace of Hapax support. As it stands I’ll mentally file it away in my list of things to consider in 15-18 months to see how things have supported themselves out.

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one presumes that aligning the new Hermod+ with Hapax’s architecture will actually make it easier to push out updates for both on the same development schedule, which should be good news for users of both

and Hapax has only been in the wild for a little over a year itself. still early days as product lifecycles go


this is my hope as well. i hope there is tight integration between the two over midi as a future feature.

that being said, i’ll hold off on buying a Hermod+ for awhile until I see how they develop the Hapax.


Also, their technical support is great. Any questions asked are generally answered within a few days.

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not sure what you mean by this… they are not really ‘aligned’, afaik… they are quite separate products, and have very different purposes and goals…

the Hermod+ is no more a ‘mini hapax’ than the Hermod was a mini-pyramid (a common misconception).
Hermod (both versions) are very much more focused on what you need in a eurorack modular environment. of course, they share some similarities (e.g. midi fx) but also have some important differences.

Ive been trying to convince of this (behind the scenes) for years… to build a kind of squarp ecosystem.
this wouldn’t detract from being used without other squarp products, but bring benefits when you use more than one.

I will say the use of TRS midi has actually done this a little , its now really pleasant to use Rample with either the Hermod+ and/or Hapax

note: for more comments on Hermod+, probably better to do on the hermod topic. as I mentioned there, Ive had Hermod+ for a while, so can answer any questions there (well at least to best of my ability) :slight_smile:


I ended up selling my Hapax and Oxi for the Push 3 and I’m just using Ableton with an ES-9 for CV related stuff now. I definitely liked the Hapax more than the Oxi and hopefully over time the Hapax gets better. I never had any bugs or anything but development on the thing has been super slow as everyone else has mentioned.

Hermod+ was expected, that was honestly my guess as to what was gonna drop today as Hermod has been out of stock for awhile. I use NerdSeq personally so don’t really have use for this but it’ll be interesting to see how it progresses.

I liked the Hapax a lot but it really just added more unnecessary complexity to my set up, which had ableton at the heart anyways, if not just as a mixer / audio recorder, so I might as well use it for MIDI too. Hapax does cool midi stuff and generative stuff but that stuff also felt fairly gimmicky to me. The biggest thing I’ll miss is the instrument definitions though I know I can make similar things in max. Just gotta figure out how to use max lol.


yeah, I’ve felt this at times too… having multiple sequencers can be fun, but also alot of overhead.

personally, I moved over to having two ‘setups’…
one which is focused around Ableton/Push.
the other is a standalone setup.

I use a mioXM, so that synths/modular can stay be used in either mode without ‘re-configuring’.

so the Hapax is on the standalone setup, as is my Octatrack.

Hermod kind of sits in both camps… though in 2 different roles.
when Im using the modular on its own, I use it as a sequencer.
when Im using Live (or the Hapax), then its primarily a midi <-> cv interface.

but for sure, its easy to end up with duplication of roles, and this used to give me choice paradox, which is why I tried to work out, how each would fullful a role in different context.

btw: in Live, you can use instrument racks (with macros) in a similar way to instrument definitions for some use-cases.

as for Hapax dev… Im not concerned, over the years, Ive found that Squarp tend to take a more considered / conservative approach. I think they learnt this from the early experiences (in dev) of the pyramid. so Im happy they will get there,
but more important to me, is Ive faith they will keep the products stable and also have a. decent and consistent UI/workflow… rather than just keep chucking new features in that overload the UI.

but I can understand why some feel differently, esp. if you feel there is a feature missing that you need.

( I do have some things Id like to see, e.g. MPE editing, but nothing thats holding me back!)


I also have a hybrid and a standalone setup, Hapax is at the heart of both :joy:

I use the OT‘s sequencer on the OT and the DT‘s sequencer for its audio tracks since the muting function on the Hapax requires two hands and lacks a feature or two for performance purposes. Otherwise I sequence all else from the Hapax. Same goes for VSTis. I have a Keystep, a Kawai MP11 and a Roli Seaboard going into the Hapax, routing all of it onward on a track per track basis. It‘s super fast and convenient. I use the Hapax sort of as a midi routing matrix and as powerful midi looper during jams, some of the performance features are really fantastic.

As you say, the UI is mostly immediate, which isn‘t a given for midi sequencers.

It‘s my first Squarp device, I followed the development of the Pyramid and saw how it grew and improved over time, same hope for the Hapax here.

Hmmm… yeah I was looking at a Hermod before as a Midi - CV converter but them being out of stock led me to go down the Es-9 road but I do have a secondary rack that’s main focus is to provide fun goodies for my Grandmother and Matriarch. A Hermod would be good for that, my Hapax used to directly provide CV to those modules and I was thinking of either getting a Bastl 1983 or the expert sleepers FH-2.

Tempting lol.

Oh yeah, and I wasn’t ever too pressed on updates. I know there were some people on the Squarp forums that were acting rather pathetic about the whole thing. It’s more of just seeing the work done on other gear, like the Oxi, where there were several new features always being added and the Hapax hasn’t really gotten much of that. Especially when we know there’s things on the Pyramid that the Hapax doesn’t have yet like Midi Repeater (or delay, whatever it’s called).

But yeah, at the same time I found it mostly very stable and I liked the workflow a lot more than the Oxi. More I think about it the more I’m already missing it lol.

Maybe one day I’ll hop back on it, I really don’t have anything bad to say about the Hapax, it’s a great sequencer that will hopefully soon get even better.

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Mmmm… whassat? Sounds good, keep reading…

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

hanging myself with midi cable


I was glad to see a straightforward post on the Squarp community forum about plans for an upcoming HapaxOS bug fix release followed by a new features release:


Indeed, good to get a sketch of the situation and plans.

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I’m a new user of the Hapax and it’s a fantastic device.

I had the Oxi for a while, but to me the Hapax is better fit for my needs, in saying that the Oxi also has some wonderful modes which hopefully the Hapax will see in the near future.

The Squarp developers were holding off as much as possible on giving timelines and forecasts for the Hapax via their forum. However, it appears the release of the new Hermod is the straw that broke the camels back, and they’ve given a brief but concise outline for the new releases.

I do hope they continue to do this in some capacity as it will encourage more users imo.

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Good of the people at Squarp to post this!

Refreshingly honest, no-bullshit transparency.

Works for me.


New Firmware (beta) out now. Huge list of improvements/fixes on this one:

HapaxOS V1.14 BETA A



Yeehaw, nice to see they are starting to get back at it. Not sure it needed a faster boot time, but ok :-)…

pretty much insta-boot now.
love the customization of pad colors.
random name generator is seriously random.