Squarp Instruments Hapax Polychronic Performance Sequencer

Bit frustrating the lack of updates.

If it was just wanting new features, I’d be more than happy to wait!

However, it’s basic functionality which is buggy, or missing.

I’ve been in contact with Squarp regarding various bugs, the update IS coming. Hopefully it will be a big update.

It’s been a slow start… but I genuinely believe Squarp will make Hapax amazing!


Are you sequencing external instruments or soft-synths?

Interested in methods of getting MIDI out of a DAW without the usual horrible jitter and bad timing!

I feel the frustration without even having one :joy:

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I’m eyeing the Reliq and thinking… could it replace the Hapax?

Maybe one day if Squarp dont pull their finger out :grinning:

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Both soft and hard synths actually. I’ve not really noticed any particularly bad jitter, but you could always use something like the basic ERM as midi clock if needed, as they’re quite reasonably priced.

I put my dollar down for that a while ago!

Same thought here. I love the Hapax but the lack of updates when there are clearly still things to be done, fixed and improved has been a bit disappointing…good to read that one is on the way, hope it‘ll be a good one.

ERM wont work for me unfortunately cos I’m sequencing centrally.

I sync the Hapax to Ableton atm with DC-coupled clock, it’s tight almost to a sample, zero jitter, everything is locked to the grid.

Its important because I’m sequencing external synths and doing the drums in Ableton, plus its all for using live so cant use delay compensation etc.

It works well, I’d love to use Ableton to sequence MIDI though, and have access to all the great MIDI tools, M4L etc. Then I wouldnt even need the Hapax!

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It has been really slow!

They have a great track record though. Fingers crossed!

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Couldn’t you just set ERM as master and have it running to a midi hub so that the DAW and all the hardware are synced to the ERM?
That’s how I’d set it up.
Maybe I missed the point :man_shrugging:t2:

I use Logic btw, and have loads of cool midi fx plugins that make it a blast to use.

To get daw and hardware to sync properly you basically have to use the daw as master using an audio clip that sends clock info to something like an ERM. Sending midi from hardware to the daw is a nightmare and has never synced properly for me.


Two weeks into switching to Deluge, there is actually a lot I miss about the Hapax workflow. Deluge’s MIDI implementations are serviceable (and great having the ability to sequence multiple tracks for a single MIDI channel). But overall a lot more friction in basic things like switching between different tracks and not having your keyboard controller automatically follow the MIDI channel changes. And the lack of MIDI FX is so far killing me – the Arps are just no comparison, for example.

But Deluge’s Arranger mode is what I switched for and it has not disappointed. Insanely easy to take clips when they’re in existence and build up a full track so quickly and painlessly. White clips alone are giving me life. If Squarp ever added anything similar to Hapax’s Song mode, I’d think about going back but for now it’s not even close on that front.


This is how I do it now!

No ERM needed, sending analog clock direct from audio interface into the Hapax.

Its insanely tight, almost zero jitter, no problems once its all setup.

What I want though, is a way of sending midi notes (not midi clock) from a DAW without jitter.

I don’t think its possible, how would anything correcing the jitter be able to tell if it was jitter or just micro-timing etc?

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I’ve currently got both, side by side.

Hapax is more capable as a sequencing brain… but the Deluge, its so fast, so smooth, so easy to use. I write so much faster with it.

Then I record the midi over to the Hapax to add CC LFOs and automation etc.

I’ve got a Hapax, which I enjoy using, but it does need some bug fixes and feature updates.

I have recently started getting into eurorack, so presumably I’m in the target market for whatever Squarp is releasing, but I’ve resolved not to consider buying any more gear from Squarp unless they can demonstrate their ability to support the products they’ve already released.

The contrast between Oxi’s frequenct updates and improvement of the Oxi One versus the trickle of updates for the Hapax is night and day. Oxi, also a small company, has demonstrated their ability to take any already powerful controller and continuously improve on it. I wish the same could be said for Squarp…


To send midi notes without jitter you can get an expert sleepers USAMO. It has a plug-in that converts an audio stream to midi notes as well as clock etc.


I remember you saying that the lack of arranger was a big problem for you. Maybe the Reliq can tick all the boxes for you.

Thanks for reminding me of this!

Do you know much about it?

Would it work in a setup for live jamming?

I understand it adds latency, but that latency is consistent, so its good for getting everything lined up whilst recording etc.

But would the latency be too much for live performance I wonder? (Compared to using a hardware sequencer).

I’m interested though!

I wonder … only a day for the beans to be spill :wink:


This is true. I am impressed by the features and their update-ethic!

For me though, the Oxi isn’t quite the right fit. Amazing sequencer, very creative, but not the centre-piece that the Hapax is.

There are certain features on the Hapax, essential for my process, that you just cant find anywhere else. I’m all-in!

Unless Reliq flashes its features at me, of course! I’m a sequencer sl*t! :relaxed: