Special Waves Mine S Modular Controller

I just got a shipping notification for this. I backed it on Indiegogo a long time ago (expected delivery was 2019 sometime).

Now that it’s becoming reality I thought I’d open some discussion this controller system. I did a search and couldn’t find any specific topics on it.

Did anyone else back this?


I thought about it, but went with monogram instead for my desktop controller (mostly for Lightroom, not music). Their second gen of hardware shipped early this year and it’s quite nice, but sadly still doesn’t work without a PC running the app. I’m hoping they’ll add a class-compliant mode eventually. I laser cut a wooden tray for mine, so the user experience is closer to the S waves.

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Another start up that manages to gratuitously sneak in AI speak in their PR :smile:

AI Self-Recognition

Mine S is able to recognize position, orientation and type of module inserted.

Everything that uses a line of code is AI nowadays it seems… Do VC investors still fall for that clickbait?

But curious to see how this gets applied and what experiences will be.

12 bit resolution on pots and sliders. Nice!

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It s not clear to me whether this can work stand alone or needs the software to run. Anyone know?

The developers said that it will have stand alone functionality but not on the first release.

I asked him during the campaign. It was even listed as such.

I also brought up the possibility of opening up the software to 3rd party development and they said it was an interesting topic that they were already considering.

There is talk of more controls and things like displays being added too.


That would make it really awesome. Plus the high resolution, which is great when using it with stuff like Max/MSP. I m gonna keep an eye on this thing.

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Yeah… Very curious to see where it goes.

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Btw, Mine S sounds like there might be Mine M and/or L coming?

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I think they had a “Mine” originally which was double the size of the Mine S. Maybe it stands for small? I’m just speculating.

From the faq:

Is Mine S Standalone?

We are working on Mine S to be standalone in the future. You will only have to download an update when this function will be released

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From the same FAQ:

“We are already working on motorized fader and display.”

It arrived today BTW. Not sure when I have time to really mess around. Tomorrow is my wife’s Birthday so I’m all booked.

Randomly threw in some modules though

First impressions:

  • It feels really big (not a bad thing necessarily)
  • Pads seem like they could be pretty playable with dynamics from quickly testing on a drum kit in Ableton.
  • Encoders, pots, and sliders feel good.
  • Easy to insert the modules
  • Software feels extremely beta and incomplete (but that was expected from communications from the developers).

They wanted to get it out to people and the hardware feels like it’s done really well. Now to wait for the software/firmware to flesh out.

Two or more of these next to each other could make a nice performance setup for sure!

All pads sequencer / Ableton controller?

A big box of all encoders or knobs?

I’m interested to see how the “profiles” thing pans out.

Also curious about what their Ableton integration is going to look like since this is a modular controller that can be setup in so many different ways.


Something cool I just figured out.

You can hot swap modules while it’s powered on still.

But even coolerer,
Once you program a module with a CC/note/colors etc… when you swap it to a new location it still has the same settings in its new location!

Each module has a memory or identifier that makes it unique! How cool!

I swapped two modules while it was turned on and the colors and midi messages followed. Rotation doesn’t matter either.

Also the “key” pulling system works really well. I’m digging this hardware. I hope it continues to grow. This has some serious potential.

Full RGB control on pads too

Green only on the push button encoders

5 minutes and it’s a totally new arrangement :joy:


Nice! Yeah i read about the hot swapping. And from the pics i gathered it s not quite small. Would love to see a pic next to an elektron box.

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Pads are a similar size to those on the AR MKII. I’ll take a picture of them together tomorrow.

There’s no way to chain these is there?
Wonder if they’ll make different size (larger) enclosures at some point.

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No, unfortunately a usb hub is about your only option. I definitely will consider 2 of them though when the software catches up to their plans.

I bet they made the smaller ones first to see how well they sell. Some people have complained about the price to put together a full controller around the internet. I could see them really complaining about the big one.

The base is something like $135 and then each module varies between $16-$22 depending on the module. It can add up quickly.

But once you have a nice collection then you can build whatever you want(within the limits of the grid of course). A full case of drum pads, or a 32 knob/encoder box.
Build your own apc40 MKII style performance controller?

Lots of options. More in the future hopefully too.