[Sound Pack Analog Four MKII ] (MKI and Keys compatible)

Sounds really good! You have a new follower :slight_smile: Ah ok, I know that problem, I also had a similar one. I had to separate my work and bedroom. I couldn’t sleep where I was working anymore. Too much inspiration causes mental cinema :wink:

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So Elektron asked for factory patches without offering a Digitone (for free/reduced price)?


The story didn’t tell if he were paid for doing so, though.


Things are changing … there are starting to be more and more people with pretensions. So many people say they are DJs and offer to play for free, how would it be otherwise for all other areas?

not saying that this is what happened with @Floppydisk_Pirates (which one i say hello by passing by here)
just finding of a relatively general phenomenon specific to all countries. Just as we no longer earn money with our music but only the “eventual” fees for stage performance.

the lost of the materialization of a piece of art/music/whatever was in my humble opinion as much a revolution as a huge mistake. since, we had almost lost every collectors of all types.

the “object” was somehow as important as its content. in many aspects.


Hey, hope you’re doing well! :slight_smile:


In that case I wasn’t asked if I need a Digitone because it was assumed that I had it anyway. That was probably because I immediately accepted to be part of the new sound content for DNK :smiley: But that wasn’t a problem for me anyway, because as I said, I wanted to order the machine at that time anyway. That only gave me the last drive I needed to order :wink: For my troubles, I decided for Digitone Keys, which I got a little later from elektron. :+1:


Which one do you prefer, Digitone or Digitone Keys for sound design?


I can speak for my experience with the Analog Four standalone, A4 + roli Seabord, Analog Keys and Analog Four mk2

It’s the same really… then for the Digitone. When you design a timbre it’s not really that important. But when it comes to bringing life into the timbre, the final next step that make the timbre to become a sound (designed) movement and life are ultimately linked for a lot of parts to keys. You can forget the non velocity sequencer or mini keybed in that regards. So, then it’s all about the pain to assign and loose the workflow and ideas. Fact is when everything is in one piece it’s just more easy to assign to velocity, aftertouch, pitch bend, modulation wheel etc…

And it’s also the experience between you as a player, the instruments and how you program the playability of your sounds :wink: people tend to forget it but it’s crucial

I remember one thing, when i get the analog four firstly i was meh with all sounds… because (at least partially) of the non keys model i have. When i plug the Roli seaboard on it honestly sounds became so alive - it was day & night :wink:

I think it speak by itself :stuck_out_tongue:


Thank’s for your detailed answer @William_WiLD ! I think I’ll keep Digitone instead of selling it and buying the Keys version and buy a Roland A500 pro midi keyboard as I heard the keybed feeling should be awesome. I think I can work better with the compact little formactor than with the keyboard on the side, which would keep me sitting at an uncomfortable angle :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Man, why not just put the keyboard under the display…


Thank you for this. I have an A4mk1 but only used it with a pretty basic controller (Launchkey Mini) and mostly used the button keyboard to audition presets. Just now I connected the Digitone Keys in MIDI controller mode, and while it is not night & day, there is a noticeable difference. (The buttons are still better for previewing percussion.) As a bonus, I discovered that many of the presets respond to aftertouch and mod wheel!


I prefer just Digitone. Fast, compact, can take it easy to other places for inspiration even with external power pack. For final finishing patches (Modwheel, Pitchbend and Aftertouch programing) I use Keystep :wink:


Sounds great. May look into getting this.


Thanks man! :sunglasses: :+1:


Can only confirm! Digitone is so handy that i’m able to perform it with just one hand most of the time (But i have really big hands so…) :wink:


I just bought the Keys version of the Digitone two weeks ago in order to sell my Digitone but I think I’ll give the Keys back iif it’s possible or sell it…


Me too, not when performing but tweaking samples :wink: When it comes to performing live I rather need two hands…

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Hey Siggi, where have you been all the time?! I think Digitone is just fine but to have both versions would be also nice. Sounds like a cool jam to me :wink:

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I was able to give the Digitone Keys back but had a cool jam with both machines before, haha :joy:

I was here! Following many topics but just for learning purposes, I tend to write less :wink: How are you doing? Do you still make music?

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Maybe that’s a good thing. The DN is so good even without keys.

I’m fine, thanks man. At the moment I’m not making that much music. Every now and then I make a few loops and still enjoy the hardware.

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I’ve listened to your lastest demos… Really cool stuff! For me it’s more like that I read a lot about the whole synthesizer thing and stay up to date instead of making music. :thinking: But it’s still fun anyway :wink:

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