Soma Labs Ether

just ordered an ether v2, looking forward to the noise.
anybody got any recommendations?


The cable you use can have drastically different results. Even though it produces a mono signal, it needs to be a stereo mini jack cable for recording Ether with an optimal signal, and longer cables tend to have less interference than short ones in my experience. Screens and lightbulbs produce good results, especially through distortion and reverb. But essentially just point it at lots of different things and enjoy hearing all the electronic devices talking in a hidden language :slight_smile:


interesting stuff about the cable, I’ll make sure to use a stereo one. thank you!

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Here’s a video showcasing the use of Ether and a live perfomance of a track in which I used the samples :slight_smile:


Thanks for the inspiration, you reminded me to take the Ether out more. :slightly_smiling_face:
It’s been sitting lonely in a backpack for a while now. :confused:

Nice tune also, I like those dark noisy vibes.

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Anyone else considered having two in an array with slightly different orientation for “stereo”? I have a second Ether coming to try exactly that. Will post pix of the rig and audio examples soon.


Cool idea! I’d be very interested to hear some audio examples when you get em set up. If it’s successful, you should send something over to Vlad under the title: “I can double your sales of Ether overnight” :joy:

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It’s an interesting proposition, though experience suggests that if I tried it I’d basically end up with a wildly different sound in each ear. Maybe strap them to each side of a pair of headphones and take a binaural stroll through a supermarket.

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I do the same thing with a lot of VCO monosynths (and the Lyra)… make two recordings of the same passage with slightly different settings and pan them L/R to “stereoize” and give life to the track, so why not the Ether? As we all know the slightest change in orientation and proximity can alter the sound… so two side-by-side with maybe a 5 degree angle difference should be very effective in adding movement to my Tascam DR-05 recordings. Just a simple 1/8” TRS to TS splitter cable and good to go.


I think they can be made to be subtly different, and obviously panning can be narrowed afterwards in the DAW to make it less extreme or seasick-sounding (unless that’s what the song calls for, haha)

I have a small tabletop Manfrotto tripod that can thread into the Tascam, then have each Ether strapped to a leg with the third leg as the handle. Should work?


Nice! Yeah it should work well with a small angle offset between them. Not entirely related but I made this simple track from Ether samples in Digitakt, with each voice subtly panning around to create extra movement on each chord bloom:


Yeah I listened to that whole album as soon as you posted it! Same idea, hopefully with more control over the actual capturing process.

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Ah yeah, the album (well, EP) was Subharmonicon. This one is only a single track made with Ether as the only sound source. Anyway, tag me when you post some binaural/stereo Ether recordings. I might have to get a pair myself. Sold my Ether recently 🥲

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Isn’t the Ether supposed to maintain a distance of a few feet from your recording device to avoid interference?

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Yes… but in my experimentation the interference sometimes made it sound better :slight_smile:
I’ll mess with it both ways…

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I like your style :sunglasses:

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I put ether into OT thru machine and gate the triggers to make it into a wee drum machine. Hey Presto! A wee drum machine.

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Please post stereophonic results!

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I intend to post some of the recordings I’ve made in here soon. Was planning on putting a free sample pack together but not sure how well it would go down haha.