[SOLVED] Issue with a large professional retailer after return - What to do?

Edit : deleted, the info might have been too personal

‘I shall have no alternative but to resort to legal recourse’ has always served me well in these ‘delicate negotiations’…
All the best to you fella, mobilise all forces before you approach the enemy, catch them on the foot.

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Bringing up legal action when dealing with a retail employee is a major eye-roll move, they have heard it a million and one times and know that it’s a completely empty threat. I would not use this tactic, all you will do is lose credibility the moment the words are out of your mouth. Better to just be very firm about what you want, and express your expectations clearly. If the person speaking with you can’t give you the desired result, speak to the person above them.


I’d agree in most instances but with this one they literally have his returned product and money. Legal representation may need to be next if it’s not sorted.

Legal representation is the correct move in an exceedingly rare number of retail cases, unless the amount is in the 10k and above range I’d say forget about that option, it will be a waste of time. My guess is that OP is not representing themselves well enough in the first place (no offense OP) and I wouldn’t doubt there’s an apathetic person on the other end of the line that thinks they can get away with not taking any action. Insist on speaking with a manager or supervisor, express the expectation very explicitly (money returned, product returned, etc) and get the name and direct line/extension of the person you’re speaking with. Once you obtain a commitment to the resolution you’ve asked for, ask the person who you’re speaking with when the resolution will be fulfilled. If it doesn’t happen by that date, call back the next day and make sure you get in contact with the same person that promised you resolution. I’ve never failed to resolve an issue I’ve had with a retailer, just be polite AT ALL TIMES regardless of the situation. All you can do is control your own actions and people will generally remain helpful as long as you keep calm even when being insistent. You can do this OP!


My favourite method is bombard social media with it. They have twitter and facebook and before you know its going viral. They soom come knocking on your door with apologies.


Using the phrase “that is unacceptable” in a relatively calm but stern voice can yield results :smiley: This whole thing sounds real shady to me.

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I said legal recourse, not specifically action. Demonstrating that they have not adhered to certain agreements, policies or laws and showing you know that means they will have to take you seriously at some point on some level.
Whatever, I hope this guy gets his money Bax

What country are you from? I am in Germany and had a similar issue with a mid-size online shop. It was the same story, they kept telling me that they sent the refund soon but it never happened. I resolved the case by having a laywer sending a letter demanding the refund. Since the case was crystal clear they had to send me the money and cover the costs for the laywer. I suggest that you write one last letter (phonecalls are problematic because you can´t refer to them in a legal case) with a deadline. Say that you will take legal action against them if they don´t refund you until the deadline.


Sorry you’ve had this experience OP. Completely unacceptable.

Good idea re: bad retailers! I’ll certainly be avoiding Bax from now on. Their prices have always felt too good to be true, so I’m not overly surprised to hear they sell B stock, as A stock, and get up to stuff like this.

Hope it gets resolved.

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I’m hearing stories like these once in awhile from all retailers but Thomann. They’re not the fastest, nor cheapest, but they’re by far the friendliest. If I don’t shop local, I go for Thomann. Had some close calls with both Gear4Music and Emusic.


Sorry for the OP, hope things get resolved fast.

By the way I bought a Digitone and a Digitakt from Bax in two different occasions and I didn’t have any problem,
And both definitely were new items, no B-stock for sure.

I prefer Thomann and I bought many times from them, but sometimes Bax prices are the lowest I can find from a trusted seller here in Europe.

It’s a bluff, a threat. It means that you have no recourse and aren’t educated as to what recourse you actually have. Nor a lawyer.

Be direct, not passive aggressive (or aggressive but ignorant of law and lacking counsel.)

None of that would help.

Persistence and unshakeable confidence in that this wrong needs to be addressed is the best option, and keeps you from dropping through the cracks further and will annoy the staff more and make them WANT to solve this for you.

It’s stories and issues like this that crushes me even more with how Red Dog Music went out of business :sob: those guys never put a for wrong in my experience.

I never threat and don’t bluff. I mean everything I say.
I took legal advice from my solicitor regarding a problem with a garage refusing to pay money they owed.
As soon as I mentioned that fact the dealership payed within 24 hours. That went on for 3 months almost, I should have spoke with my solicitor earlier.

Nothing empty there.

I ve bought often from Bax in the netherlands. Had a few return cases. Sometimes smooth and quick, other times it took months and many repeated requests.

I ve said it in the forums before: if a company out competes everyone else on price they have to be cutting corners somewhere.

Btw, now that they ve killed practically every physical shop in NL they re starting to open their own.

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This Thread… 'kinell

Do you live in the same country as where you bought the item from?

Did it cost a lot of money?

Speak to them in person NOT via email … Like vocally speaking to the store you bought it from and asking to speak to the manager. Calmly.

If you get nowhere with the above and you live in the same country and it cost you a lot of money… Drive down there with some mates and go fucking mental.

It works. No Twitter No Instagram No Facebook… Face to face with the lad you spoke to earlier.

Sounds a bit bully. But it isn’t… if someone nabs yr cash you want to get it back don’t you?

Come on MAD RON take control!

this will probably get flagged …

Here goes…


It’s a big online thing lol they don’t have any physical stores. This is definitely the right attitude though :facepunch:

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Yes legal action is certainly a viable option. A few years ago my mate had a dispute with EE over a data protection issue which was going on for months. He filed for EE to attend a small claims court hearing and they almost immediately settled to resolve the dispute.

I wouldn’t rule out action. Although I don’t know how simple it is to take action on a company that’s based abroad.

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