Sold it all

Bye bye elektronauts
Sold It all
I was very happy with elektron
But lost momentum with the mk2 bugs (especially the Rytm)
Now I prefer juggling
It opens my mind and makes me present
In stead of being sucked in the big nothing

Thank you all elektronauts for teaching me So much
And Thank you for the good vibe!
I might be back some day
But my step into the circus is So good and healthy
That I expect it to take some time

Wish you all the best!


This is just part of the cycle, we will see you back in max 6 months time :kissing_heart:


Have a good another Road Trip on something Else Wouzer :wink:

Happy juggling ! :wink:



after juggling my elektrons, I had so much problems with bugs… I decided to juggle balls


If and when you return, I’d highly recommend theAR mk1 and an OT mk1 for nearly the same price as an MK2 unit solo.
The lack of sample management on AR1 is quite a pain but I’ve experienced very veryfew issues otherwise (1 freeze in nearly 4 years). Plus having the OT will give you so much more AR alone.
On the other hand, I’ve always greatly admired the skill of juggling!!

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Blah, I have trouble juggling 3 balls, let alone juggling 3 Elektrons. :man_shrugging:

The fact you wish abandoned electron gear, I can understand, but the music ? Do you know a circus without music ?
I know will see you back here in few times.
So long, and don’t forget the most important : Havfun !


There is a lot of Rytm in juggling


The first break up never takes. juggling does sound fairly liberating tho

Good for you. Sometimes getting rid of everything and allowing yourself to be entirely present in another activity is exactly what the body and mind needs.

I’m sure you’ll find your love for it again at some point.


Just start over in the future, when the itch is back! A little eurorack maybe … :dragon: :wink:

I have some pro juggling friends working in circus and what not! Enjoy your path.

Learn Rubenstein’s Revenge

People always like the Machine too (sometimes called the factory)

Make sure get 5 balls down, very few people ever get to 5 balls.


Oh, and juggling is pretty rare in many countries : always bring your juggling balls abroad, you might open incredible doors !

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Street Juggling got me gas money to make it from Salt Lake City (as far as I made it before ran out of gas/money) to Berkeley California and fed me until i got a job and first pay check years ago.


ahh ball juggling, I thought you meant beat juggling…

Enjoy your hiatus, maybe you’ll still return some day…



My favourite! Still can do, hopefully, gonna give it a shot tonight!

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tonight I will do my first circus show (after 25 y of juggling). Including 10 miles mess variations (incl rubins revange), the maschine and more :wink:

Super nervous


Just remember that if you mess up, act like you did it on purpose, never act disappointed in yourself on stage. :slight_smile:

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And when you meet your president, tell him not to forget to send me back my brush :dolphin: