So what's the new Elektron keyboard product?



This presumes there will ever be the aforesaid.

ADDED: But i think that it is extremely likely as that seems a part of everything Elektron now.

You know Ryan the “Workstation with DAW included” idea for a workstation is rather a novel idea! InnerBridge.

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Finally a proper successor to the Microsampler!


I wonder if the DT Keys will support mod and pitch bend!

Well i do hope the Elektron AK joystick is not made Legacy as well – it’s a great part of the present AK. So quick moving and just the right light touch.


A midi controller/interface(/midi sequencer?) would be interesting. I’ve been thinking about the possibility of an interface with Overbridge presumably around the corner.

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A MIDI controller keyboard with MIDI sequencing onboard would be sweet! Perhaps it could even have a proper arranger mode like the OT for controlling DT & DN as a bolted-on song mode?

However, my biggest guess right now is AK mk II…

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A box to buy to finally get f*cking overbridge for Digitakt and Digitone.

Ahem. Continue…

My guess is that it will be AKmkII. Almost the same as the mkI but with the newer buttons and encoders and more importantly, USB2 connectivity. This will allow it to exist in OB2 world when it arrives.

oh snap

This is very weird, literally thinking today of selling my AK - logged in here and found this thread.

Redesigned interface with stacks of knobs with advanced wavetable FM synth running through analog filters

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Why does everyone think Elektron is releasing a new keyboard? I must’ve missed something. Anyhow, if they did, it’d obviously be a hybrid synth with digital oscillators and analog filters.

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They are definitely maybe releasing it


Fingers crossed!

Digital would be great for making cold brew.


Dataline made a comment about it in passing at a convention a few months ago.


I’ve been looking at picking up one of the remaining stock of AKs since a few places have it… but not if they’re going to release a mk II…

That’s quite a delimma.

I’d say buy the AK- and then massage in art romanticising the mk1 to give it a vintage appeal- that way you can sell it at a profit and buy the mk2 :smiley:

Hope it’s not just a analog mk2 keys :sleeping:

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