So long


It’s been a treat. But now I gotta go. From this forum, at least.

All the best to you all.

See you around.


Cheers mate,

Your last messages were full of this humanity & honesty this good all internet/forum is sometimes lacking…

I wish you all the best !

i dont understand public flounces, so:



Gotta say I’ve been enjoying reading your posts. All the best with whatever comes next!

Hope it’s just because you have a lot of projects to get to. I understand the time-drain the internet can become. Good luck to you!

Best wishes to you.

Enjoy creating :slight_smile:

What happened? Was there an altercation?

Well, I kind of felt that many discussions ended up being about something else than music, which defeats the point of a forum, I think. But there’s a great many nice people here, so I’ll miss it, too.

Thanks for all the nice words, tho, I appreciate it. I made a demo not too long ago that earned me a few gigs in autumn and winter, if I can put together enough material for a show. So I’m focusing on that, building my EP around that material.

For what it’s worth, I’ll fire away a demo of a track I’m working on, that might or might not make it to the EP and show:

Aw man, that’s too bad. Dude, I think it’s just that facial expression you chose for the avatar pic. Do you suffer from Resting Bitch Face (RBF) perhaps? I do, and it’s truly tough. I suspect RBF sufferers are particularly prone to receiving the projections from others’ shadow selves.

Why say goodbye forever? If your not happy with the discussion topics on the forum, but still like the people and the occasional nugget of goodness, why not just spend less time reading the stuff that doesn’t interest you and less time on the forum in general? I don’t understand why you would " throw the baby out with the bath water", or why you need to announce it. What forum topics do you want to talk about that nobody is talking about? Don’t just get grumpy and walk away!

The teddy bear with a knife on your back always struck me as a funny symbol considering your high rotation of gear. It’s not the gear that makes the planned EP it’s the man behind it. You gotta tackle that cuddly demon on your back and stop trying to outrun it at the local synth dealer. Gear is designed and marketed to make us think it’s that final piece of the puzzle… but it’s nothing but a long tradition of consumerist deception.

Don’t mean to pick on ya or pretend I know ya

Of interest to anybody buying new gear or announcing planned releases, Good read.

Simultaneously pompous and excruciatingly dull - mods please lock/delete this thread and ban all flouncers :+1: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Naaaw. Andreas will be back once the P6 hype fades and he’ll need more opinions on gear shifts :wink:

Just kidding. Best of luck man. Your rants made me consider a lot of gear, and ultimately also reduced my GAS to almost non-existence (I just figured I don’t want to follow the path you were going). I think you stepping away from the forums and into the music is the best choice, really digging your grooves. Keep them coming.

See you around. :wink:

Right you are. I’m back. I missed you guys too much.
The gear purge is over, though. Never did buy a P6, sold almost all my stuff and feel pretty good about it.

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Sometimes it just seems people like to constantly run long diatribes because they simply like to hear themselves talk. It’s taxing at best. As the very same diatribes have infected other forums as well.

Good luck on your journey. It’s truly the musician, not the gear.

One needs a bit of drama now and then, even if there’s no audience for it :slight_smile:

In my case, I just had to come to terms with the fact that I’m a keyboard player, and pretty old school at that.
So I kept the Octatrack and a Korg piano with some cool vintage sounds in it, and that’s it. Don’t really miss the rest.

Glad to hear you’ve found some sort of peace.
So when can we expect the new album?

It’s good to find balance.
Welcome back. You were missed.

Yes! Hamsun, Henry Miller, and G G Marquez spring to mine. I own nearly everything these diatribists wrote.