So, is everybody getting out of modular?

IMO it depends on each artist’s way to create music and on the budget.

Comparing a “standard” groove box and a modular system to achieve similar results I tend to say that the modular will not only cost much more, but also will lack some technical features, which might be practical and make daily life easier for many of us.

Could it be that somebody starts with modular and reconsiders later?

Only as an example … a comparison, which is not intended to be fair or exhaustive.

Compact groove box or drum machine:

  • often quite excellent sound engines
  • sequencer included - maybe with parameter locks etc.
  • everything, patches, pattern etc. can be stored in projects and recalled
  • MIDI / CV / USB interfaces
  • sometimes a control/library app for computer integration is available for free
  • affordable (beginning with a couple of 100,- €/$ and ending, well … :wink: )

Modular groove box or drum machine:

  • rack case and all required modules to be purchased (if not bought as a ready to go system)
  • option for very unique signature sound creation
  • most sequencers provide “basic” functionality only and limited tracks/outputs
  • saving/restoring complete “projects” isn’t supported, even if some modules can save parameters or pattern
  • did I mention all the cables and the need to re-patch for different projects?
  • quite costly (beginning between 2000,- to 3000,- €/$ and fast increasing cost with more features)

My personal strategy for purchasing gear is:

  • buy standard for standard jobs
  • buy modular for creative sound-design, new composition methods, and experiments … in other words … where modular shines and outperformes the other options :smiley:

Great, thanks for shattering my delusion that I finally discovered good new music ahead of the cool kids.

Not yet. Got sick of the bloat and stopped using it much for a couple years though. I just pared my setup down to one case of a couple oscillators, sampler, a few fx, few filters, quad envelope, 3 lane sequencer, gates, vca, mixer etc . If that doesnt work out, i may buy a synth with a mod matrix and Max/MSP instead. Maybe get one of those new minimoogs

Nice edit


Couldn’t let that go to your head.


I came to a similar realization. after having over 3x84hp worth of modules plus DFAM and Mother 32, the only ones I kept were the DFAM and Jomox Modbase (both racked in 80hp, but didn’t need to be…)

Triggering, modulating, fx and mixing of these drum sources is all done by a Mk1 Analog Four, which costs $5-600 these days but could take the place of $2k+ worth of euro. Plus four pretty badass monosynths :slight_smile:


never even got in.
i have a friend who got into modular before it became trendy.
seen several times how he brings his stuff to/from gigs, and that was enough for me.


Sick text burn bro :beers:


Ah, that! Where you do awesome things but keep talking bad about it. Shame on you!



There is a surprising amount of Dunst in this thread.


What I notice with these sales is that all the good stuff gets bought up very quickly for prices that are pretty close to retail, around 10% off usually. So with that evidence I would say “definitely not” to the question.


Hah, I thought you might have been referring to that one. I’ve wanted a copy for years.

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I am still trying to get into Modular. I have three separate eurorack cases, but keep getting side tracked when it comes to purchasing modules.

Three cases is just getting started. Next you need to fill the first case with VCAs and the second case with MATHS. Third case is up to you, but you should probably put an order in for two more cases.

Edit: don’t forget to make WTB posts in all your favorite forums for a QMMG.


Album title.

Or vivid description of the contents of one’s underwear after a particularly heavy night out with David Hasselhoff.


Efficiency : DAW > Machine > Modular

Pleasure : Modular > Machine > DAW


My sales are fine. The notable companies that have gone under have, for the most part, not stopped for lack of demand, but because of lack of interest or inability to fulfill (chip/parts shortages).


Matrix Patching > Modular > Machine > DAW

Dream synth: Macbook-thin ARP 2500 clone.


I’m sure there’s some element of those that bought for whatever dumb idea they had about it. I saw some YouTuber (can’t remember the name) post about the build of his rig for a year and then the newer video about how he got out of it, because he wasn’t making music, just patching.

I willing to bet he had some followers for that too.

I’ve got a small system and it’s what I’ve always wanted it to be for now. I want more modules later, but my I’m fully functional and I don’t have any intention of getting out of it.

I’m getting rid of Mindphaser at some point and adding in XPO. That’s all I have planned for this year.

I got out, around 8 months clean and feeling great