So, I want a dedicated bass synth

You don’t like AS~1 bass?
What kind bass sounds are you after, rhythmic, drone, rich in harmonics?

I like AS-1. Nothing wrong with it. But I prefer the old “Moog sound” over it.
I just want to keep the A4 and have just one more bass (and other possibilities) synth.


I think you want a sub 25:)


I thought about it yes :wink: but I dont know why my mind goes to SE1x or Peak…

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If you’ve already got a nice “old” Moog, try the Peak out! SE makes great gear and you wouldn’t go wrong with it, but Peak would give a different palette.

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The nice “old” Moog have to go because of presets memory lacking. It is always the same story with the semi-modular synth except DFAM :content:
I know SE1x will be great but you’re right, Peak can be very good for bass and bring much more … Tough choice !

Have you considered a Moog Minitaur/Sirin?

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I owned a minitaur for 4 years and sold it for other flavours. Great synth, no doubt.
Sirin is way over priced actualy and rare (this is why ^^) but it could be a good candidate.

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Moog Mother 32 has the deepest bass I’ve personally ever heard from a piece of hardware! In fact it’s so dense you will be doing a lot of subtractive eq! The envelopes are stunning though, not sluggish at all like my Bass Station 2 (still love that one but you have to use the LFO for snappy filters instead of the envelopes oddly)


I’m sure it is but no more semi-modular synths :wink:

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Yeh the model D is always my mental standard, and the Minitaur came close (but bricked).

Lately I’ve been favouring the AK for Bass lines (over the AS~1/P~6) with variations of the same bass patch on the four tracks, voices set to rotate to get that guitar strumming up/down string dynamic/transient variations. Not a vibe you can get with too many synths out there.


my dedicated bass synth is my beloved sh101.
very often the sub osc alone.
not very flexible and definitely heard over and over again, but to me that is the most satisfying bass sound in the world.


Its the best. I have owned multiple mono synths and the Minitaur just brings a tone I can’t replicate on anything else.


I will give a try to the SE1x. If it doesn’t work with me, I will buy again a minitaur (because I’m sure it’s good) and give a shot to the Peak.

Thanks for your advices guys

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I feel the same. I think a lot of that sound is because of its envelopes actually. But the oscillators also sound very tight, even when you play very low notes, where most synths will sound sloppy.
I actually don’t like that the resonance kills pretty much all the bass when you turn it up, but when set at zero, it is just thunder! :smiley:

The difference between sirin and minitaur is the oscillator range. There are some youtube video’s that compares the two and you can hear some differences, especially when you play low notes. It seems that the minitaur still is the best choice for really low and tight bass :slight_smile:


SE1x is on its way :content:


monologue is underrated , got some nice bass out of it ; )


I’ve had mintaur, mopho, BS2. The Moog tone is amazing and the filter is beautiful. Very limited and I got way more mileage out of mopho and BS2.
I still have the BS2.

My suggestion for the OP (and I never get tired of recommending this synth)is the typhon by dreadbox
Killer bass and so much more.


The problem with the Typhoon (which I sold for an AS1) is the effect section which tends to bury the core sound.