So... are we gonna talk about André 3000's new album?

Mod edit: please take the time to write a proper introduction to the discussion.
A title and a link does not set the tone for a thread.
And where is the link to the music?


Have not yet had a chance to listen to it all, but very nice impressions from what I’ve heard.


Apparently, we are already talking about it, but i didn’t look and didn’t use the search feature…

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All G @david_hays it deserves its own thread. Indeed a nice refreshing collection. Validates all of us EWI players. Specifically those of us enchanted by Roland’s Aerophone which i immediately identified as one of if not the main instrument used.

Any accoustic wind or EWI player can relate when Dre says learning to play flute and other wind instruments was the most expressive and honest representation of his journey and current station of life. It is actually your life force (breath) used to modulate, trigger, bend, accent, etc which notes, tune, pitch, etc…that you choose to express. This from a master of vocals, lyrics, guitar, keyboard and drum machine.

It’s is very audible on the album. One of the more vulnerable and honest artists ever to touch a mic, Dre was obviously free from his social anxiety, pressure, ageism or anxiety that he may say the wrong thing…or, just not the right combination of things.

With New Blue Sun, he already received and achieved what meant the world to him as soon as he blew it out. How others receive it is a distant afterthought and icing on the cake$.


i really enjoyed the first two tracks, i like the fluidity of the structure, almost ambient (but more intentional) vibes. makes me happy to see a big artist making a passion project that expands beyond typical genre boundaries


I found it to be boring, and it makes me sad. Andre has lost his funk :joy:


Found it pretty boring to be honest, given it a few listens as well to see if it would grown on me but nope. Disappointed as I had heard Carlos Nino had worked on it. Now the new Miguel Atwood Ferguson album, however. Wow! I wish that would get half the hype this new age borefest is getting.


Let’s be honest: give the guy another name like Andre Poppins and try to listen this “album”. Tell me then if your listening gonna last more than 12 sec and if you gonna give it another chance.

At least, i did not have time to get bored :wink:


Although I’ve always had eclectic tastes and was cutting my teeth playing guitar in bands and going to jungle parties, after finding my feet musically, I migrated heavily into the hip hop of the mid to late 90’s era and that’s what the bulk of my own material for nearly 20 years reflected.

So, speaking from the perspective of a predominantly hip-hop centric background, I’m a firm believer that Outkast was looking waayyy ahead when they made the speakerboxxx album. The lyrics aside, it’s musically very interesting and even plays with subtle but distinct deviations from standard time signatures.

Then focusing on the lyrics for a minute, I’ve also always felt a level of intelligence and poetic expression (especially by Andre) has been present since their early work. I’m pretty out of the loop so I wasn’t even aware of this album, but I’m really interested now so thanks @david_hays appreciate the topic drop!


Are you saying this flute performance is prefiguring the future of the music?

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haven’t even had a chance to listen to any of it but if you don’t appreciate the growth of artists between genres as their tastes change is there a bigger issue? you don’t have to like it to appreciate the human element, do you?


Mmmmhhh you should probably try to listen that crap.

Come on, millions of people are working hard to make a living with music in this world and people are talking about that … thing. It just cannot be serious, like a bad joke he made to try to see if his name alone would be enough in these times of good-taste-shaped-by-promotion.

I love artists who cross genders but i would not call a jam with a flute and tons of reverb a proper gender. Then who am I to dislike anything in this world where everything should equals everything?


I think the album is absolutely brilliant, a phenomenally brave endeavour and it oozes truthfulness and depth. The whole album was recorded in a single jam, it is all improvised, no written music in it at all.

It’s a total trip and I think the fact that someone with the fame, history and reputation like André 3000 “dared” to put this out just elevates my respect for him and this work that much more.


I’ll listen and even if I don’t agree with the direction he went in, I think it’s brave to do different things. Especially when people vocally disapprove, not everyone has the courage. That’s all I can say.


It might be brave but in art being brave should not equal doing good.
Anybody “daring” what he did would be disqualified even for jamming in a rainbow gathering.

Thank you, my friend, for reminding me why I mostly avoid internet interactions.


Does it qualify it for being good in anyway? I feel like i’m taken in a discussion with New age people telling me how better is their massage/music/whatever since it’s “intuitive”.

That’s a weird comparison. If you don’t know anything about an artist, that might be a sensible choice. But a new album by someone who already did something interesting might be worth more time. After all, there is a chance you might just not get it immediately.

Personally I find that music that immediately appeals to me often gets old really fast, and some albums that I dismissed at first became long-time favorites.


In all fairness, it’s a talk about it thread, doesn’t have to be agree with it. We can all be right in our own interpretations without agreeing, like I said haven’t even listened to it yet. But I approve of people taking steps on their own path even if it’s not a good output. I just can’t comment on something I haven’t listened to yet, but it’s an artist I respect so I’m willing to give it a listen before passing judgement.


And just so no one feels slighted I’m all out of hearts because liked too many posts today but I’ll try and come back and heart yall when I get reupped later.