The Add Slice option is painful. The option (to add more) seems to disappear after doing 2 or 3 slices, any idea why?
Also is it possible to specify a number of slices outside the numbers specified in auto slice?
I have created perfectly spaced sample chains and they never seem to just line up in the slice mode and its a bit annoying having to keep realligning the slices. Bizarre
One more quick question - How can i play slices on the midi keyboard/ They all play fine in slice/slot mode on Octa but dont seem panned out correctly on the keyboard (ie press a key and the octa stops or changes tracks).
Not too sure about your first two questions as I 've always made up my sample chains with the OT’s slice divisions in mind.
Just to clarify though…are you sure they are perfectly spaced , sample start to sample start ? Also don’t select " zero crossings," if you have been doing that…
It’s currently not possible to play slices via individual midi notes alone. They are only triggered by simultaneous transmission of C3 and CC17 , the controller value being used to select the slice. It has been on the request list for some time…along with midi triggering of slots…
Yeah i will redo a quick sample chain with whatever Octa offers (bit silly of me). Mine have been however many are in the sample pack of a multi sample)
Ah i didnt know that playing slices via midi notes was a requested feature…Damn - they should sort that!
Oh that sucks. I thought it could do this. I was planning some things around a vocalist being able to remotely trigger certain samples while I work over a synth… hmmm…
^^ you can of course midi trigger the sample slots already assigned to tracks with the current part…just that the entire slot list is not midi addressable simultaneously…
That still seems to limit things. It would be nice to have one track that will be controlled externally. I only expect one sample to play at a given time but still have the option of a few different samples to trigger remotely without using up many tracks. I need to dig through the MIDI guide on this thing but can we remotely change parts? Maybe I could sacrifice two tracks and just change the part to load in a new sample. This would allow four samples per track or up to 8 with two tracks. This might take a lot of other planning so I don’t kill other tracks in the process.
I could be over thinking this. Might only need a few tracks of preset samples and then a few recording tracks. This would still leave me with four tracks of local samples/thru machines and most of what I have going on is normally externally MIDI sequenced gear anyway.
The cursor needs to be outside of any already made slices to have the add slice option active. Took me forever to figure that one out. You can have slices inside of and overlapping other slices, but they need to be initiated with the cursor outside of the slice and then move the start, end, & loop points manually.
That still seems to limit things. It would be nice to have one track that will be controlled externally. I only expect one sample to play at a given time but still have the option of a few different samples to trigger remotely without using up many tracks. I need to dig through the MIDI guide on this thing but can we remotely change parts? Maybe I could sacrifice two tracks and just change the part to load in a new sample. This would allow four samples per track or up to 8 with two tracks. This might take a lot of other planning so I don’t kill other tracks in the process.
I could be over thinking this. Might only need a few tracks of preset samples and then a few recording tracks. This would still leave me with four tracks of local samples/thru machines and most of what I have going on is normally externally MIDI sequenced gear anyway.[/quote]
no, sadly you cannot remotely change parts.
do you have an ipad ? if so you could use something like touch osc, midi designer or lemur and set up a slice triggering template. kraftf’s excellent lemur OT template already has slice triggering set up for the max 64 slices per channel. That way you could have two tracks with chains on giving your vocalist up to 128 samples to trigger remotely per song (iPad goosenecked on mic stand) without changing parts, assuming you use a bank per song…
That still seems to limit things. It would be nice to have one track that will be controlled externally. I only expect one sample to play at a given time but still have the option of a few different samples to trigger remotely without using up many tracks. I need to dig through the MIDI guide on this thing but can we remotely change parts? Maybe I could sacrifice two tracks and just change the part to load in a new sample. This would allow four samples per track or up to 8 with two tracks. This might take a lot of other planning so I don’t kill other tracks in the process.
I could be over thinking this. Might only need a few tracks of preset samples and then a few recording tracks. This would still leave me with four tracks of local samples/thru machines and most of what I have going on is normally externally MIDI sequenced gear anyway.[/quote]
no, sadly you cannot remotely change parts.
do you have an ipad ? if so you could use something like touch osc, midi designer or lemur and set up a slice triggering template. kraftf’s excellent lemur OT template already has slice triggering set up for the max 64 slices per channel. That way you could have two tracks with chains on giving your vocalist up to 128 samples to trigger remotely per song (iPad goosenecked on mic stand) without changing parts, assuming you use a bank per song…[/quote]
I don’t suppose there is an Android equivalent?
For the record, i’ve yet to fly this past hq for comment, but the midi slice playing as discussed above has a caveat to it … if you send the appropriate CC and midi note (within the two octave range) simultaneously you will indeed trig a slice … however, if you change the CC assignment value, the ‘simultaneous’ command combo as described will play the last slice ! - or to put it a better way (from my investigation), the OT needs a lag of >=60ms between sending the ‘changed’ CC message selecting the slice and the desired midi note, if they are sent at the same time (yeah i know it’ll be sequentially) the midi note will always play the current(previous) slice selection !
I’m not sure if this is catered for in the Lemur scripting example mentioned (i haven’t tried it) or if this nuance has been documented, it may well be that in a certain midi environment that internal ‘delays’ will obscure this, but i’ve tested with rock solid midi gear using Max/MSP and i’ve no reason to suspect my patching which I do at byte level.
I wonder if this is an unfortunate aspect of the OT (or a bug or an issue with my test) , or maybe it would be improved with a TM-1 ? My own testing with lemur experiments has me convinced the OT is very capable when you throw loads of midi data at it !
i’m sure i remember reading that kraftf’s lemur template could do this but i’ve tested (as I should have done before posting) and it seems it doesn’t send the required note to trigger the slices just the cc17 value for selecting them
i know his template is unfinished so maybe that’s something he was planning to add…
In the editing menu, is it possible to copy the entire sample and paste it? So basically creating a sample chain (which is nice to keep the original sample and say reverse the next one)…There is an option to copy/paste but nothing happens when i do this.
yeah but only to replace what’s in the destination sample. in other words, you can’t add length to a sample. you can have a long sample of silence, slice that, and paste in at those points to create a chain. if you’re trying to make a chain of loops though, you obviously need to know the tempo before you make the initial sample. for one shots you can just have one of an arbitrarily long length to work with and it’ll probably work out ok.
appending to existing sample/recording would be great to have…
if you want to stay in the OT to make chains rather than use Live etc:
this is a direct port from the ableton method of making chains using drum racks and midi triggers.
Keep things organised and set up a dedicated chain making project.
lets say you want to make a chain of short one shot percussion sounds. if necessary set your project tempo accordingly (and turn time stretch off for the samples) to give the individual hits time to play to completion without being cut off by the following trig or use trigs at the correct beat divisions for your material 1/16ths, 1/8ths, 1/4ths etc
[li]load up slots with as many samples as you want in your chain (up to 64)[/li]
[li]lay out the same number of trigs[/li]
[li]sample lock each trig to the samples in your slots[/li]
[li]set up a track recorder with a one shot trig to record the track you’re placing trigs on (default amount of ram assigned to the track recorders is 16 seconds. 64 steps or 4 bars at 120 bpm is 8 seconds for example.)[/li]
[li]press play[/li]
[li]save your recorded sample[/li]
[li]load the sample to a slot, slice it, name it and save it (important as the slice info is not by default saved with the sample)[/li]
This method ensures you have the same temporal distance between your sample starts in the chain for the OT’s auto slice divisions to work. I don’t know whether it’s quicker than having samples of silence to paste hits into but I suspect when the dedicated project is set up properly , it is.
Also by setting up the correct tempo multipliers at fractions (timestretch on or off depending) you can even make chains of quite long phrases that you have sampled previously.