Setting up your workspace

Why am I gügling, “rubber doorstops”?

The earth is flat and so will be my synths!



hahaha ,my amazon searches…

Just take a photo of the packaging please, and we can take it from there :wink:


That is hilarious :joy:

There is no packaging, but we will get there.

It looks like a combo of an industrial door stop and a slanted dunnage rack (no dunnage racks are slanted, but the design is similar). I really like it and can see many uses.

FWIW, my choice for riser/slanter is a hodgepodge of a few products.

I use the Mstand for its height (makes a good top tier) and flat, stable base:

Inside the base cavity of the Mstand, I wedge one of these heavy rubber loading dock bumpers ($9ea, eBay).
This takes all of the wobble out of the Mstand, and adds stability overall as it lowers the center of gravity. It makes the top of the Mstand as sturdy as a tabletop. I also have a pair of these under my iMac for a very stable, sturdy but small footprint riser. I have 4 of these overall.

And then on top of the Mstand, for added slant, I use a couple BlueLounge CoolFeet. These tilt the instruments forward even more. They work in conjunction. Without the loading dock bumper’s added weight and stability these cool feet shift the weight too far forward with the forward slant.


In the past I’ve used Auralex U-Boats, which still have some other utilities in my studio.
There’s a thread about it.


I really like this one. Nicely adjustable but still sturdy. Plus easy to navigate cables under.

AWAVO Laptop Stand, Aluminium…

I’ll put in a shout for right angle cables. I have a restrictively small desk and was forced to think really carefully about what goes on it and where. The re is no way I could have this much gear without 90 degree cables (power, audio and MIDI).

So the shelf has euro and speakers. Left side is sequencing & sampling, right side is sound sources, and mixing & fx on a small shelf below.

It’s taken a while to get here mind you. And there is still room for another pedal :slightly_smiling_face:


I use the OT as mixer. It´s good ! like very good !

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Yes it can be used as a mixer of sorts … But i’m comparing it to the mixer that @Grate_expectations already has. A proper mixer - perfect for the job! Plenty of room on his desk and no real reason to get rid and use anything else.
Using a mixer with the OT is a very good combo.

that´s true of course.
I believed I couldn´t live without a mixer for 20 years.
but after downgrading my “studio” more and more ditching
the mixer was the next logical step.
I limit myself to two monos and one stereo instrument and OT
handles that easily.


Nice thread - even though a personal Q, it’s sorta like the underpinning logic of the Your Setups thread. I dig it

I agree with some other posts - the setup is almost as much a part of the creative process as is the machines all working together. the ergonomics, choice of boxes, you may put some away, or just focus on one or two devices for a while for a particular task.

continually modifying and tinkering with the setup is a neverending process really, that im sure almost everyone on this forum enjoys. you might land on something for a while but a new piece of gear will always change the layout entirely.

i swear this creative element of layout building is often half of the attraction for this type of gear or artist, or is at least as time consuming for some, as making music itself. there’s a satisfaction in finally reaching a layout that is also patched in a signal flow that gives you what you’re looking for creatively in a workflow.


I think I’ve finally got most of the way there with this. I do need a few more mixer channels, at the minute I’m passing one stereo synth through MPC input thru.

Glad you “dig it”

The ‘Your Set Ups’ thread can help people with their concerns and a specific thread for one mans personal set up is just that - personal. Not always addressed in the above thread. A personal thread should ensure direct answers and catch more attention thus helping the end user to find the specific answer they are looking for. It may clog the website but FWIW it is, overall, more helpful. :blush:

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I really like what you’ve done with that arrangement. Angled cables are a revelation, indeed. I have right angle audio cables on all my gear now as well. Love the low profile.
Which brand angled MIDI cables are you using? I can’t seem to find ones I like.

As for the need for more mixer channels, I’d recommend a rack mount 1U line mixer that you could stow underneath the OT and Tetra (or under the eurorack). I believe @sezare56 uses something similar in such a context.


:point_up_2: although this might not be ideal in all situations as the cables could make it difficult to get other cables in a nearby in/out port…which would be the case on the OT if used as a …mixer? :smile_cat: using all ins/main out and cue; angled cables in there would make things a bit complicated to deal with


yes, indeed!

good thing I don’t need the cue outs! but if I did I’d probably opt for the headphone jack :smile:


I think I may have found it




Samson SM10.
I didn’t use it with OT yet. Exactly the same width of DN/DT, or RC505.


With OT, I’d like a Faderfox UC4 or EC4 to fill the space :

I want regular jacks for that reason! I only have angled ones…