Sequential resumes Prophet-5

There any further ideas for firmware and new features? Honestly, i don’t need any further but Im curious how far a recreation could take the original idea :stuck_out_tongue:


Mark Isham on his first-ever Sequential Circuits purchase - no, not the P5… talks about it quite a bit really, before moving on to other topics


Gorgeous patch, lovely playing…
Thanks for this.


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Deal of the century right here! A massive 2% discount.

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Ouch. How the hell they managed that is beyond me. The box has pretty damn good protective foam - it must have been dropped in the store. From a great height lol.

Yeah even if Dave dropped this straight out of heaven it wouldn’t look this bad.
Imho I find it disgusting that Bax is trying to sell it like this. They really don’t have to.
I hope they get a call from Focusrite and take it down.


2% off? a instrument in this class In this condition. That’s says it all

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Just a flesh wound.


question for you P5 /10 folks, wondering if my ears are playing tricks on me… are both your pitch and mod wheel quiet…?

I’m starting to hear the spring in the pitch wheel creaking but I hadn’t noticed this before, my mod wheel makes no noise what-so-ever and of course it doesn’t have the spring but I think my pitch wheel used to be just as quiet?

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Same here. Always has been like it on mine.

updated with entire clip

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For those in the UK, you can get the Prophet 5 right now at bax-shop for only £2300 using the promo code! Amazing deal.

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That is sorely tempting.