Scene Demo Thread!


I’ve filled out the first few platform specific sections better now. However, for the rest of the thread, just post any old demo you like from any platform. I just wanted to give some of my favorite examples more or less.

Original Text:

I’ve been posting a ton of C64 demos in the C64 Music thread, but there are a lot more demos out there for a lot more systems than just that! Who doesn’t like good music with realtime coded visuals?! Even better if you download the actual productions from somewhere like Pouet and run them, but YouTube is a close second.

I’ll start it off with these ones, but will be posting a lot more soon.

Some PC Demos:


Some Amiga Demos:


Some C64:


Thanks for the cool topic and all the videos!
I love chiptunes and “tracker music” :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve not kept up with the demoscene, but it’s cool to see that Fairlight are still going and making nice stuff!


Yeah, they’ve been pretty consistent over the years. There are quite a few groups that span the ages still doing things, or at least that were until quite recently. Bonzai is one of my favorites from way back, and still make a lot of demos now.

I hope to get a lot more of them up here. All of the ones I’ve posted to this point are ones that popped out in my head from over the years from groups that have been memorable to me. However, the are TONS and TONS of good productions out there that I’ve missed in my cross-section. I used to keep up with the productions from every party every year (or at least the major ones, or my favorites, like Breakpoint, Assembly, Mekka & Symposium, etc.) I just haven’t had the time for the past ten or so years. I used to archive the actual demos at home (well all of the ones that I liked anyway) but these days I watch most of them on YouTube just due to time constraints. I’ll keep putting up my old favorites, and any new ones that I haven’t seen before that are cool. :slight_smile:

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This was one of the first demos I ever watched. Still a favorite. I think the first one I saw was in 1986, but really started watching in 1987, getting my hands on any that I could.

Crack Intros are always fun too!

One of my favorites:

Atari 2600? :smiley:


Lovely chaotic gritty sounds! :heart:

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Lovely collection, including some true classics!

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I dont know what tunes but some of the music was done by Matrix/Daniel Hansson, Co-founder of Elektron.


I’ve been watching Amiga demos on my Analogue Pocket at night when I’m nearly brain dead before going to sleep. :smiley: The Amigavision collection has hundreds or more demos, all arranged by group, hall of fame, alphabetical, etc. So cool! The same collection works on the MiSTer too. If you have either, it’s highly recommended.

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This one deserves to start a post. :smiley: