Scaling multiple locked trigs

is it possible to relatively scale multiple locked trigs? for instance i have a some locked trigs set up to play a pitched sequence (0, 12, 13,) – i’d love to see a way to shift all these pitched values by a given amount.

How is your track set up? Is it a single cycle waveform?

If so, you can use rate as a second pitch control and transpose your sequence that way.

But I’m not sure I’m understanding precisely.

thanks robert! basically that’s exactly what i’d like to do, but also for other parameters on locked trigs… all in all i’m looking for an approach similar to how scenes “rescale” parameters.

sorry for my lack of explaining this well – still very new to the OT

Oh I have had my OT for several years now and am still learning new tricks!

Recently I’ve really gotten into using Scene locks in combination with parameter locks. Maybe this technique could be useful to you:

  1. Make a scale of notes on a sample chain and slice it up.

  2. Play a melody using the slices

  3. Scene lock the sample start (which would be a slice) to several notes on different scenes.

Now you can create melodic variations using the crossfader! it’s not exactly transposing but you definitely get more variety out of your patterns. You can extend this technique by pointing an LFO towards sample start and scenelocking the amount to the crossfader or swapping sample chains with parameter locks.

There is always something new to explore on the OT.


If you mean transpose, you can use an lfo, and a scene to plock its depth, change scenes with Arranger…

You can’t stay in a defined scale (like C major), unless you use midi tracks to control audio tracks with midi loopback, or use scale tuned slices as suggested @RobertSyrett (shift the slices with an lfo on start).

Lfo pitch transpose :
Trig mode, Pitch dest, Speed 0, Square (positive) or Inverted Square (negative), depth 5 = 1 semitone.

Rate is not easy to use for transpose, because it is not chromatic, but it works perfectly for octaves.
32 =-1 octave
16 =-2 octaves
8 =-3 octaves


ooh I forgot you could just use LFOs like offsets, that’s pretty awesome. Good tips here on the forum.

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