Saving samples - audio pool vs project

I’m intrigued to try OctaEdit. Though the main attraction of the OT for me was being able to use it away from a computer and do tons of sampling etc when I’m chilling with my kids on sofa or in bed etc… Shame that simple stuff like organising file directories when saving etc is likely going to need third party software and tethering to a laptop :/[/quote]
You can look at OctaEdit as a companion piece if you want, but for sure it does a lot more then that already, and a bunch of stuff that the Octatrack can’t do at all.

You could take the approach of just doing whatever you feel like, jamming out, then reorganising later… OctaEdit includes a bunch of functionality for reorganising samples, file structures, etc, etc…[/quote]
Yeah I can see it being very useful for moving stuff around etc. I read some of your main OctaEdit post and you mentioned you were trying to talk to elektron about foreseeable updates, guessing there are none in the pipeline? :([/quote]
I can’t comment on that I’m afraid.

I’m intrigued to try OctaEdit. Though the main attraction of the OT for me was being able to use it away from a computer and do tons of sampling etc when I’m chilling with my kids on sofa or in bed etc… Shame that simple stuff like organising file directories when saving etc is likely going to need third party software and tethering to a laptop :/[/quote]
You can look at OctaEdit as a companion piece if you want, but for sure it does a lot more then that already, and a bunch of stuff that the Octatrack can’t do at all.

You could take the approach of just doing whatever you feel like, jamming out, then reorganising later… OctaEdit includes a bunch of functionality for reorganising samples, file structures, etc, etc…[/quote]
Yeah I can see it being very useful for moving stuff around etc. I read some of your main OctaEdit post and you mentioned you were trying to talk to elektron about foreseeable updates, guessing there are none in the pipeline? :([/quote]
I can’t comment on that I’m afraid.[/quote]
Understandable. Not your place to inform users of that stuff. But it sucks that elektron won’t tell users if they’re still developing. I emailed and they said they couldn’t comment on future. Kinda shady practise for a gear company selling high end stuff to keep paying customers totally out of the loop. Just a yes or no from them would be nice…

To get back on thread. Did anyone else have any luck saving sample to sub-folder? I didn’t get round to trying last night but sounds like others did and couldn’t do it.

I’m intrigued to try OctaEdit. Though the main attraction of the OT for me was being able to use it away from a computer and do tons of sampling etc when I’m chilling with my kids on sofa or in bed etc… Shame that simple stuff like organising file directories when saving etc is likely going to need third party software and tethering to a laptop :/[/quote]
You can look at OctaEdit as a companion piece if you want, but for sure it does a lot more then that already, and a bunch of stuff that the Octatrack can’t do at all.

You could take the approach of just doing whatever you feel like, jamming out, then reorganising later… OctaEdit includes a bunch of functionality for reorganising samples, file structures, etc, etc…[/quote]
Yeah I can see it being very useful for moving stuff around etc. I read some of your main OctaEdit post and you mentioned you were trying to talk to elektron about foreseeable updates, guessing there are none in the pipeline? :([/quote]
I can’t comment on that I’m afraid.[/quote]
Understandable. Not your place to inform users of that stuff. But it sucks that elektron won’t tell users if they’re still developing. I emailed and they said they couldn’t comment on future. Kinda shady practise for a gear company selling high end stuff to keep paying customers totally out of the loop. Just a yes or no from them would be nice… [/quote]
To clarify… I know nothing / they tell me nothing, I’m in the same boat as you and everyone else.

So,is there any possibility to save samples just recorded in a specific folder ?and not only in the Audio pool ? (randomly)

I mean if I created a folder ‘BASS’ in the AudioPool and I record a Bass with my synth, can choose the folder ‘BASS’ at one point?

Nope, it’s project or pool.

I suppose you could make projects called bass, lead, etc, then when you make these great sounds you love, simply save them into the pool, then go into your bass project and load your ‘bass’ samples into the slots from where you saved them, then collect samples into the ‘bass’ project, kinda long winded but it will get you there for a couple of quick button pushes.

Back OT
I prefer saving and collecting samples to the project I’m in anyway. Seems to make perfect sense.

Ah ok !
So yes I think it make more sense for me too to save and then collect those samples directly into the project I’m working on;)

Thx J.m

No worries Francois :slight_smile:

I was wrong earlier on in the thread. You can only save to two locations, the default choice is selectable. I corrected my previous bad post to try to not confuse more people in the future. My apologies.

Anyway to set the folder samples are saved to?

Would really like to make folders for various gear then save samples of that gear to the folder. Currently I have to move files in the file manager or use a computer.

I believe you can have it save to the project but I’m not really after that.

Ideally there would be an option to make a folder the current “save to” folder.

You can save audio to the Project folder, thus if you want a specific instrument you have to give it a specific Project (this is under Personalize settings, check manual, too)

finally found this today :smiley: Damn, that’s the consequence when you never read the whole manual

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Glad that helped you!

But in rereading the post above mine I’ve just now realized that I recommended the very thing the poster did not want :joy:

Gotta stop posting waiting at a traffic light :wink:


I am currently looking into the best set up for sample management; I’m wanting to maintain a sample library consisting of sub-folders with labelled samples. I’ve decided on the following set up:

  1. Work within a single Set
  2. Place the sample library in the root of the Set folder and name it ‘Audio’
  3. Personalise ‘Save Samples To: Proj-Dir’
  4. Create a Project called ‘Sampling’ for sampling audio sessions

With this set up, I can switch over to the ‘Sampling’ project when I’m in sampling mode. Any new recordings will stay within that project folder until moved out and into the Set’s ‘Audio’ folder (aka sample library) and into sub folders for organisation purposes. This allows for messy sampling sessions that won’t muddy up the main sample library.

Sample management can be done via the OT’s Card Tools or via a Computer.

This method isn’t quite as fluid as sampling audio whilst in mid-flow music making; but it doesn’t stop that either. That can still happen and audio can still be moved post session - just be mindful of breaking links to samples in the Static & Flex pools and connecting those links as soon as possible.

Things I wish the OT could do…

  • I wish there were some re-linking options within the OT when files are renamed / moved.
  • I wish the Card Tools allowed bulk selecting and moving of files - though the 2 Workspace tool helps alleviate some headaches.
  • I wish the Card Tools allowed the bulk renaming of files.
  • I wish you could browse for files across the card and not just within the Set that is loaded. This would allow for a shared sample library.
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I’m still fairly new to the OT, but digging pretty hard for the first few month I’ve had it…

I remember the manual seeming to recommend using the Audio Pool versus saving samples to a project. Anyone see what the argument is for using the Pool? Mine is already getting messy! Thinking I should switch to projects.

Maybe they are worried you will choose a sample that’s in another project and then delete that project or something?

Any strong opinions for Project vs. Pool or vice versa?

You can always plug a usb cable into a computer to do any folder arranging.

A well organised audio pool is vital in my opinion.

I use the Audio Pool for generic multi use samples : drums, sample chains etc.

For samples specific to a project, resampling, samples of external gear for a particular track, that all gets saves to the project folder.

All of this can be managed via USB on a computer if need be. And very easy to back up. Always back up the flashcard!

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Sounds like I’ll just move to saving sampling/resamplong to “projects” and use separate folders for all the samples from my computer.

Defaulting to save to the pool seems like a mess. If you go back in to organize it and then break all the associations to your tracks…

The idea being that you use the audio Pool as an, um, giant audio pool for the entire Set.

But as/when you want to have a self-contained entity you switch to Project (or just do that from the beginning)

Personally I use Audio Pool; but I’m a fairly organised cat.

Audio Pool:
Pro: Not duplicating files
Con: Risk of amending/deleting referenced files

Pro: Isolated to the Project
Con: Duplicates existing files in the Audio Pool
Con: Lot of “noise” from unused files clogging up the project folder

There is a [Collect to Project] function that copies the samples into the Project Directory for you.


[collect to project] seems like a nice way to keep the pool clean… Can probably more confidently clear out junk from the pool without fear of breaking a project. I like that. Thanks for the tip!

Project > Project > Collect Samples p32

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