Samples playing backwards in the sample editor

Hey man, I know this is an old post but I’m currently having the exact same issue. No luck in finding an answer but hoping you might have found something :slight_smile:

Sample played backwards?
Did you check RATE, SCENES, LFOs ?
You can mute scenes with Fn+scene buttons.

It’s a slave pickup machine that as soon as I end up recording the 64 x 4 loop for an unknown reason it starts playing the loop in rev. When i put the playback mode in rev it plays in the normal way as i recorded it.
No midi incoming messages.
No scenes nor lfo’s affecting playback mode.
I’ll probably end up deleting the track and setting up a new pickup machine from scratch to see if it behaves the same way…

I remember this! I never found a solution. I think I just shut it off and next time I turned it on it was working properly again.

I have since basically cut the pickup machines out of my workflow. Thru and flex machines are my main OT buddies these days

:thinking: scenes or lfos would override this Pickup Reverse parameter, so I guess you’re right…
How is it played in Audio Editor?

My pick up loops don’t playback with corresponding direction setting. Really frustrating live, as it distrupts the flow of performance, having to constantly correct. Anyone figure this out?

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Even with scenes muted ? (Fn + Scene A/B)
Even with a new project ?

Hi, it’s been a problem on all projects. Although occasionally will work properly.

Not sure scene’s effect it, as you can’t plock anything with a pick up, as no way to trig.

No midi in? A video example ?

You can if you plock previously on a Flex for example. Plocks last even if you change machines. This can be WTFuckish.
Hold scenes to check. That’s why I propose to mute scenes in that case, apparently no yours if it behaves like this in different projects…

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Ha really, that’s pretty weird!

Yeah, don’t think that’s the issue in this case, as I’m setting up projects fresh and getting same behaviour.

Being able to plock would actually be helpful in this instance with a pick up, as I could lock in the reverse defection at the beginning of the pattern and it might force it to work.

Yes, plock the value you want on scenes A and B > locked, unless you use and lfo!

No midi in?

You can’t plock the direction with a pick up machine?

With scenes, yes, with trigs it seems difficult but you can try!
No midi in? (3rd edition!)

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Hey! Did you figure out the problem?

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(for notification)

Not really. Pick ups seem to be particularly bad if you slave OT to Ableton. You can’t overdub and I think it causes Direction to act strangely.

I ended up having OT as master and overdubs then worked if I remember right. Need to try live set up again to double check direction behaviour.


Elektron’s answer (support ticket), about Pickup Machines playing backwards random…
Hi Leandro, This is a known bug and our developers are looking into it. It can happen when changing parts. I’m very sorry for the inconvenience and I hope this will be fixed soon.


Cool, looks like there will be an OT firmware update soon!


From what date was the last update?

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“Our developers are looking into it” does not mean …