Sample locks vs sound locks


I just would like to clarify something that is causing me headaches.

If I would like to use different sounds on one track via locks I can only do it with sounds from the sound pool? It is not possible to assign a different sample(not sound) to the same track.? I know the difference between sounds and samples.

I have loaded several samples(again not sounds) in to the project memory. I have assigned them to different tracks. Now I want to assign a crash sample to the first trig on the snare track. I hold the trig and at the same time turn the Data entry knob( D). I can see the list with all my samples but I am not able to parameter lock a different sample than the snare that I originally assigned.

I hope this explanation makes sense. Therefore my question : Is it not possible to lock different samples on one track? Do I have to go first and save them as sounds?

Thank You


This is presumably covered or may be better developed in this existing topic (and is almost certainly asked/answered before)

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Thank You for pointing me to the search menu which I already did. I also read the manual several times and watched several tutorials. I know the difference between sound and samples. I still don’t know why I can not make sample locks. There is obviously something I am doing wrong. Unfortunately I don’t know what.

The easiest way to do it is when in record mode hold the step you want to change and scroll to the sample you want to use from your pool. The same way you would do P Locks per step.

I don’t know what you mean by sounds and samples. A sample is a sound.

@mharpum - I did a visual regarding sounds and samples if you’re confused with them.

To do a sample lock.

  1. Enter recording mode
  2. Press and hold step that you want to change
  3. Turn the sample knob on SRC screen to select sample
  4. (Not at DT so I can’t remember if you need to press Yes or press the knob in)
  5. Let go of the step.

Thanks for replying. This is exactly what I I am doing but it is not working.

  1. Loading several samples into project memory

  2. Loading samples to track

  3. Trying to lock a different sample on a track with a unuswd trigger by going into grid mode., holding the trig and at the same time turning the D knob. I can browse the different samples but when I push the knob to lock the sample to the trigger it reverts back to the sample that was originally assigned to the track.

The manual describes this procedure only with sounds( a sample with certain parameters settings saved and available globally) and not with samples which are only stored on a per project in the project memory.


Pushing a knob erases the plock, it does this for all plockable parameters. That’s likely where you are going wrong.
Samples can definitely be locked different ones to different steps.


Yep, don’t push the knob after.
I use the sample per step all the time.
Cheers for the info regarding sample and sound within the digitakt. Never saved sounds with parameters, always just edited them when I needed to.

Sorry I couldn’t recall if it was push knob or not. Clearly not! :slight_smile:

Try making sure there’s an active trig on the step first, not a blank trig.

Thanks to everybody who replied.
I got it thanks to Your suggestions.
To sample lock I have to push Yes. I kept pushing the knob instead and that was wrong clearly. Again, thanks for Your help!

you don’t even have to press Yes. just let go of the trig and the lock will be applied.

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No. A saved sound is [Sample + Parameters]. A sample is just a sample saved in the RAM.


Sorry, I don’t think this is correct. I believe that a sound is a sample+parameters. Correct me if I’m wrong!


I don’t own a digitakt but sound and sample are different things on some Elektron boxes.

A sample being a simple wav file and a sound being the sample plus all the settings around that sample saved as a preset…

For example on the Rytm you layer a sample over the analog synth drum voice, then adjust the filter, mix levels, amp settings etc… then you save all of this as a sound. It’s then in the sound list with all its settings.

Bloody spectacular, @RandomSkratch. This is what I thought was going on, but being able to trace it this way was super helpful. Thank you for your effort and for sharing. :pray:

No problem - it really helped me learn it by diagramming it out.