MDice is a loop slicer for the Machinedrum running on Mac OS X 10.9.
Download: http://cl.ly/3u2O2c061T0f
What you need:
- an MDUW with latest OS
- a TM-1 MIDI interface.
- a Mac with OS X 10.9
Connect your MDUW two-ways, the app needs MIDI in- and output.
MDice generates trigs in the currently selected track. The trigs’ STRT & END params are locked to slice up loops. So load a ROM or RAM machine containing a nice loop into a track, and make sure you’re in EXTENDED mode.
First Step (1-64): where in the pattern should the loop begin.
Length (1-64): how long should the loop be.
Skip (1-16): Space between trigs. In other words, slice width.
Sample Length (1-64): The length of your original sample measured in steps. A 1-bar sample is 16 steps.
Forward/Backward: General slice order.
Generate Locks: Whether STRT/END params should be p-locked. For ROM/RAM slicing, you want to keep this enabled.
Reverse: chance of slices playing backwards.
Shuffle: chance of slices being out of order.
When you’re happy with the parameters, press the Slice button.
this will generate trigs in an additive way… it never deletes trigs, only adds. so you can layer slices with different settings.
If you want to start fresh, clear the track on the MDUW.
IMPORTANT: when you hit the Slice button, the current pattern will be modified by the app, and will automatically be reloaded by the MDUW. This means the KIT will be reloaded too. Save your Kit before slicing. Also, it’s a good idea to keep a copy of the track/pattern in the copy buffers.