Rytm has a burned LCD

Sad story.

@Yannick This morning it was fine … after an hour or so I have the same “stain” of blind pixels just like in your first picture. More warmer it gets more resemblance to your 2nd pic.
'Don’t tweak very often the comp page but it’s very annoying and disappointing having this issue…
ty for your reply/time

This is the unit I bought. Ugh…
Ghosting and discoloration are horrible…
I’m waiting for the seller to get back to me but I have a feeling I will return it.

Unless notified with the sale about this faulty LCD, I would send it back.

I don’t think the seller was even aware of this. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is a user here since he said he’s going for the digitakt :slight_smile:
I got the receipt with it from Feb this year. Refurbished (which is another thing I wasn’t aware of) but still.
I’m waiting for the original invoice to check how much Elektron warranty is left in it.
If the seller takes it into account that I will have to ship it to California, wait around 6 weeks total (5-6 days to get it there one way), pay for shipping and gives me discount with all those things in mind I might keep it. Everything else is in great shape.

Same problem.
Device 5x used. 1 year not used. I wanted to sell the device. Have it connected today and see this display! I am shocked. So I can not sell that, sour. I leave the device now run for a long time and hope for improvement.


Yes, it’s a bad thing.
It should adorn Elektron if they replace the display for free.
It’s a well known issue.

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Did anyone get an official reply from Elektron? My Rytm had the same symptoms after not having been used for a while, and after two further months of not being switched on, most of the LCD flaws disappeared again. Is this some kind of seasonal thing? Humidity? Seems really weird. This of course affects the reselling value, pity.

my screen now has issues ! It was left in perfect condition unused for about a month . :frowning:

ugh …

this came out of the blue (left is black test screen, right is white) … you can also see evidence of characters and dials within the dark region

keen to see if it clears up, but also to hear of the solution options offered up, is it strictly return to base or can a part be dropped in ?

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Imho I think this topic is a dead end for customers with faulty screens.
No support from Elektron it seems.
But hopefully there is an other display available on the market which is more reliable.
Good luck.

I have the heat issue on the right and my screen gets replaced once i have sent it in to Elektron. You need to open a support ticket.


Based on what information?

No one here has said their support tickets have gone unanswered or unresolved.

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I just got my screen replaced by Elektron. Not as bad as some of the photos posted here, but right side of screen was getting worse over time.

I didn’t say that Elektron doesn’t reply on tickets.
What I mean, it would help people owning a box with faulty display, that Elektron for example would make a “sticky” on this forum or in this topic about these displays, which are not reliable.
Just some words considering this problem from Elektron would be a nice gesture but instead its quiet.
It’s a well known issue isn’t it?

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Responding to tickets and fixing the issue is the definition of support.

They are doing that.


It would be nice to have some public acknowledgements of known faults, as well as a bit of explanation or technical background on the issue. This would be considered “good business practice” - but I suppose its not absolutely “necessary”.

What I dont get is all the defensiveness in favor of the corporation vs the customers. While these sorts of issues are always a matter of a specific circumstance, I would say that in this particular case its just bullshit… IMHO.

But then again… what do I know? Who am I to speak in such a way? All that kind of thing, etc. You can take it or leave it, but hopefully Im allowed to have a divergent opinion once in a while. O great moderators, allow me this boon on such an auspicious day, and praise be to you and your almighty clan. :bow:

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Saying that Elektron is offering “No support” is problematic and unfair when they are indeed responding to tickets (the official means in which to obtain support ) and servicing devices.

I’m only defending the facts.

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Besides, stating that these displays are just not reliable is forgetting the large majority that actually work flawlessly.

The fact that Elektron have switched to better displays might be seen as a will to rise their standard in such matter.

what’s a fair price for a RYTM with a screen burn issue? thinking of selling mine - i have kept it in pristine condition, however it developed this problem whilst laying dormant for several weeks :frowning: