Roland TR-6S

true, the trigger in looks cool.
I‘m slso tempted by both, the 06 looks very fun and immediate

I’m not sure private jokes work on here :slight_smile:
I think I’ll live without them.

Don’t forget each sound has tune and decay

Sure, I was talking about the parameters that are specific to the FM presets. There’s also insert fx, etc.

Yeah, really wish the tr6s had the trigger outs… tr06 having the trigs makes it instantly pair with a little eurorack or semi modular set up really well. I’m pretty tempted by the tr06 to flesh out my little minimal techno rig.

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Yeah Aus stores have high prices.
These would be cheaper ordering from abroad and should avoid import tax as are well under 1k.

I’m not complaining about the high prices. The prices between the units are different, and they’re the same price everywhere else.

yes i agree its weird…
but if ordered from abroad they will be same price as each other and prob a fair bit cheaper…

I ordered the TR06 through Found Sound. Same price as Thomann!

nice ill check the shop im in qld so havnt looked there before- cheers :grinning:

How is that possible? They both have a device port, the TR6s would need a host port…unless I’m missing something…

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Can confirm the two units are priced exactly the same in Norway

dilemma with the 6S to complement the 101 is that a second 101 instead almost makes more sense!

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Yeah it’s not possible. Digitakt’s USB port isn’t a host port.

only if you don‘t care about the acb/fm engines and are happy to use samples for drums.
Also the TR8/6s has more handy performance features like step loop, fills, random pattern generation.

Edit: Seems like the random tone generator in the 101 can create synthesized drum sounds now quickly, which is also great. Or are they sample based?

true. the fm looks interesting as does the alternative physical interface to the 101 …

I hate to say it but the TR-6S looks to compete very well with the Model Samples/Cycles combo,

It also has 6 tracks but you get all the ACB TR Kits, Samples and FM. Yes it only has FM macros but there are 60 algorithms and combined with tune, decay and effects that seems like quite a range of sounds.

I tried a Model Cycles and was a bit let down by the sound if I’m honest so this looks like a good (better?) alternative.

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Do you know if there is a solid implementation of midi CC with the TR-6s? I would love to access every parameters with my faderfox EC4 to bypass the limitation of only 3 knobs for shaping the sound.


i found it weird ( from what I heard in some demos) that the snare is so different from the TR606 signature