Roland SP-404 Mk2 (Part 1)

YES!!! I use Birdcord for my digitakt


Thanks, the file naming issues was really odd because if I didn’t use the batch converter I would have probably never noticed it.
I‘ll give it a try to record a video with direct sound and the CCK adapter soon and also see if sampling works as well this way. For home use that’s no issue but I will stick to the headphone out when going out.

And I ordered a Birdcord cable just last week for the Syntakt, didn‘t think of getting another one for the 404 since I‘m using a USB-C powerbank when not plugged into the wall. But makes sense of course to have the option to keep the USB slot available.

Just got my 404 mkii a few days ago and been getting a feel for it. It’s my first SP, since the venerable SP-202 (which I still have). Anyways, here’s a quick ditty I did on it, recorded into my Yamaha 4 track. Loving the workflow so far and excited to learn much more… Cheers!


So, I want to live stream an hour long mix I made in ableton, using only the 404 mk2 for simplicity, then just do live effecting and sample triggering

Given the 16 minute pad limit, is there a way I can assign the mix across four pads then have each trigger subsequently when the previous has terminated? Or do I just need an 404 mk1 or the likes to do what I want to?

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I feel like you’re trying to do something that the mk2 wasn’t really designed for… there is nothing to trigger the next sample after the previous sample starts playing, that’d be on you to do that manually, so maybe find a transition point or two that makes sense to do that manually to trigger the next pad?

Other thoughts are to check out DJ mode, if you’ve mixed everything at the same BPM, it shouldn’t be too hard to use loop points and crossfade between two sections. You could sample in 16 minutes at double pitch, and then drop it down an octave to have a pad play roughly 32 minutes of content, at the expense of some sample rate/clarity… could be worth experimenting with.

Personally… I’d also consider using an external device to play audio over USB like an iPhone or iPad or whatever to stream your mix, and then just do your FX on the mk2.


You could in theory create four very long sequences containing triggers for your sample sections, chain the patterns and use a mute group to have them play automatically in sequence, but similar to the DJ mode you’d need a consistent BPM throughout each sample / sequence, as you’d need to calculate the number of bars required based on that. Likely to be a headache if your BPMs aren’t perfect, and a hassle to check.

The earlier 404 models will let you stream very long samples, at the expense of the double FX bus. If you’ve already got a MKII, @NearTao’s suggestion of streaming audio into the SP is probably your best bet - you can then use the SP’s pads to drop in additional samples, and feed the whole lot through the two FX busses.

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Cool, thanks for the responses. I’ll probably just roll with a laptop or portable tascam too then, nbd

Second-hand SX or A should do this with no problem. I don’t recall exactly, but it was way over a hundred minutes just on a 2GB card.

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The way I would try to do this:

You could record your set like your were saying in four parts (Or even more parts), assign them to the same mute group (that way the don’t overlap). I usually use some found sound/spoken word samples as a buffer between tracks. Then manually trigger the parts. That will allow you trigger effects on top plus samples like you were planning, but at the expense of not being automated.

I think a lot of legacy SP users broke down their sets in multiple parts for more control when they use a sp to perform their Ableton tracks.

Using the MK2 advantages, I might try recording track by track separating the drums and bass > everything else. So two pads per track. Then make sure they are tightly chopped and use the pad link functionality, to trigger both pad with one. This would allow for using a bus on drum and bass and a bus on everything else for live effects. Then utilize bus 3 and 4 for 303 vinyl sim and other mastering style effects.

I haven’t spent much time with the dj mode, but in theory this could be useful for more smooth transitions without using the buffer samples for transitions.


any excuse to keep posting this one will do


Just got this from guitar guitar!! Not many left in stock, UK only I think

Apologies, looks like they’re all gone already


I just got one from in the UK on Saturday (delivered yesterday) but I just checked and I must have bought the last one as now showing out of stock!

the UK one is sick too! I’ve got a Ras G track as the last track in the set before the outro :slight_smile: one of my biggest inspirations for live sets, massive sound

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Thanks to this thread I was able to grab a MKII from TTL a few months back. Wanted to return the favor – noticed that stock is showing on Long & McQuade:


Guitar center in stock as well

Is this the correct Adapter to sample from iPhone into Broland? I am not sure because it says USB 3 not C. Askin’ for a friend… ,-)

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That should work, I have the non charging one but essentially the same thing.

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Finally got hold of one in last few days. May Have missed this in manual, etc - is there a visual representation of incoming audio levels when sampling? Have seen settings for attenuation but nothing for visual metering of incoming audio levels, such as that found on MPC Live, etc.



Not a great help, but the EXT SOURCE button lights up orang/red when it’s getting hot. Not sure if that includes any FX you’ve used on input, and not quite sure how hot you can go before it gets nasty