Roland SP-404 Mk2 (Part 1)

I figured but it‘s annoying to carry the adapter around and I don‘t have a USB-A to USB-C cable. If I want to sample something from my phone I‘ll just use the headphone jack adapter which I carry around all the time anyway with a proper cable.

sorry lazy post as this may of been mentioned but i was wondering what the latest updates have done for DJ mode.

is it able to receive midi clock and let you trigger tracks in with sync/tempo nudge with external sync as master tempo? have they implemented this yet?

I’m pretty sure the manual says you can only power it from USB-C, so you’d need a USB-C port on the powering hardware.

I could be wrong though — please double check me. And I haven’t tried to see if it’ll work; I just use USB-C off of a brick or my laptop, which needs dongles for USB-A anyway.

Just put some AA batteries in the SP and you’re good to go.


I used the 404 with a wall outlet when I tested it. You’re correct that it can only be powered by a USB-C connection when not using a wall outlet or batteries, I was just hoping I could sample from my phone and/or have the output of the 404 sent into the phone when shooting a video without the extra adapter but unfortunately that doesn’t work.

And for my problem with the certain folders of the same series not working: it turns out it was a naming issue. While it was being displayed correctly on Finder and the 404 itself I saw some odd empty spaces when I loaded them into a batch converter to convert them all to 48kHz/16 Bit. Spent this morning renaming the whole lot (luckily MacOS supports batch renaming) and even shorted all names as much as possible. Long names like “My Super Awesome Sample Pack Vol.10 - The Calm Before The Storm - Limited Edition - Sample 01.wav” are quite annyoing, especially on devices with small displays. When the name is too long it doesn’t even get to the end before it just jumps back to the beginning of the name. Need to do that on the Octatrack as well now that it’s just a matter of minutes.


Has anyone had any luck using an external controller to trigger patterns.

I’ve got a MC8 pedal I thought I’d try and program for some hands free recording using a guitar. I can trigger sample pads perfectly fine. But, I can only trigger patterns after I make the first one play by pressing the SP - It won’t trigger a pattern from silence if that makes sense. I can hit Pattern A1 on the SP, then (on the MC8) hit A2 and it will play through A1 and run A2. But if nothing is playing you can’t get it to play anything from the MC8.

I was hoping to record a pattern, then resample from the external inputs whilst the patter was playing without using my hands (for recording a guitar). It gets half way - it then sits waiting with “Press pad to start” even though I’ve selected one, and you can hear it playing?!

I am no help on the midi side but could you chain the patterns? You’ll lose Spontaneousness of live play so probably not what you are looking for.

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I could, but that’s not the problem as once I trigger one pattern by pressing one of the pads on the SP404, the foot controller can take over and works. Just won’t trigger the first one from silence. Really odd.

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That is odd, hope there’s a way to do this. I’m interested in this now as well. Awesome way to preform/record live.

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It could very well be me. Or I need to send the first message a different way. But there seems to be a few odd behaviours for what’s a pretty simple midi operation. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Highly doubt its you. SP since it’s inception has had limitations and quirks! It adds to its charm is what I’m told.

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Haha. That’s not what I said out loud after spending an hour trying to get patters to work. Only to find they did IF I triggered the first one from the SP lol


Ha! Been there, done that! Lots of WTFs and reallys, especially with the SX.


Anything obvious I might be missing with controlling the MkII from an external MIDI (not USB) controller?
I have a Type A MIDI-TRS converter, a verified good MIDI cable, checked that the MIDI controller in question is working for other synths and tried channels 1-4 and 16 across the whole keyboard, nothing. That should work for banks A-D and chromatic mode, no?
I checked the MIDI-TRS converter on my oscilloscope and it’s definitely transmitting data. SP404 settings look correct (as in, I don’t think there are any settings for incoming note data really? it’s all sync and MIDI thru related) but I have an extra option on my MIDI menu under Utility for “PC Rx: On/Off” which I don’t see in the manual or in NearTao’s guide, either way it doesn’t help fix my problem.

Any ideas?

Well assuming your plugged into the “IN” (I was plugged into the “out for the first 2 mins”, and its fully inserted “the next 2 mins of headaches for me”, you should be OK (Type A is correct).

The notes are:
Pads and corresponding note numbers

So maybe check all the octaves on the controller?

PC Rx: On/Off

Couldn’t work that one out either?!

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Thanks- was really hoping you were right about the full insertion tip but no luck. I wonder if they just shipped me a type B by mistake? Is there any way to test this with a eurorack scope? (The Dave Jones one).
MIDI controller is an Ensoniq Mirage, dirt simple MIDI implementation and plenty of keys to span the MkII input range.

For channel 16 chromatic mode input, do you need to enter chromatic mode or will it just play chromatic on the current sample no matter what mode?

The MKII midi notes are extremely low. I’d try to drop a few octaves to be sure you’ve got that covered.

Edit: from the manual they start at C2 and each bank is the channel number. A = CH 1 and so on.

Oh, got it. Sorry; maybe I missed that reading up. Yeah, USB audio ought to work USB-A to USB

Oh, I must have missed that in the thread above. My bad! I’m sorry.

Yeah, I haven’t tried it, but USB audio ought to work; there’s nothing USB-C specific about that.

Fingers crossed, and keep the thread posted as to results, please!

That’s interesting and annoying about the folders, too. Maybe the double periods? Who knows. File system management is always a bummer. I’m glad you figured it out, though.

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Not exactly what you’re asking for, but I use this to plug into my external battery its usb > 5.7V DC. That way I still can use the micro USB for sampling Class Compliant stylee!

EDIT> Looks like it is out of stock rn on their site


These works great!