Roland S-1 Tweak Synth

Yeah, I think I’ll do that. I was hoping that people “get it”, anyhow. After all, the main intention behind showing a real pedal at the side is that you could see what is going on. But apparently, that’s not the case.
But then again, some don’t like to read, either ;).


Understand your intent, after explanation, but I still think it’s better to be clear. Whatever you did to highlight pedal/no-pedal in the original video, I missed it.

The video is great and it’s nice to hear what other’s (you) are creating with the S1 and for sure you’ve made some great presets. You don’t need to try to defend your choice in how you present that - or change it either.
People are not that stupid - it’s clear you demo with and without ext fx and they will decide for themselves regardless of what you do.
Sorry if I offended you in any way. Personally I think the fx on the S1 are more than capable and I don’t see how the Empress pedals make a significant enough difference and when or if they do, then we are then listening to a demo for Empress pedals.


#pedalgate :laughing:


I’ll be honest, I haven’t watched through either of these. I saw the pedal, and decided “not for me” and moved on. No judgement or anything, but videos presenting presets (“no talking”) are long already. They’re only made longer by having to sort out what’s FX and what’s preset.

Personally, if I want to hear what a synth can do in a mix or FX chain (and I do!), I want to hear it in the context of a song. Mixing FX and short preset snippets is the worst of both worlds to me. But I’m certainly not representative of the YouTube viewing public.


I love the Limbicbits channel. One of the top demo channels on YouTube. I like to hear what a synth will sound like through some reverb since I’m 99% likely to put reverb on it when I get it. Some dry sounds also, great, why not both? That’s covered here also. I don’t get the frustration. There’s tons of channels demoing stuff for you, for free btw. Go find something else that suits you. Pretty easy.


I love the channel too. Please keep it as it is :slightly_smiling_face:


I thought your video was perfect. :+1:t3:


These are fantastic! Personally I like that some of them have effects because I’m rarely going to be using a dry sound in a song anyway.


and the fx on the S1 aren’t good enough for you either?

I never said anything of the sort. I actually like the delay quite a bit, but I rarely use the reverb. I also love the way the higher-quality Empress reverb sounds on these patches (and it’s roughly the reverb sound I’d be shooting for in a lot of cases). I don’t care to get dragged into an argument on this subject though, have a good day.

I’ve been thinking of picking up a S-1 primary to record melodies and such into my EP-133 but to also add to by existing Digitone + drum machine setup. Does this have enough sound versatility for what I have in mind, or should I look for something else?

If you want the Sh-101 sound, plus some weirder stuff (the waveshape drawing options are real interesting), then I’d say yes! I think it’d be an excellent sample source for an EP133.


It’s surprisingly capable and immediate, it sounds great as is + waveshaping expands the capacities.
With only one envelope and one LFO you’ll run out of modulations fast of course. But I guess you can still add some modulations from the Digitone.


All this talk about the S-1 with reverb forced me to make this quick pattern. This is the Roland S-1 through an Alesis Quadraverb. Glad to see my Quadraverb was still working since it’s been shelved so long. Enjoy!


I like your videos a lot. The problem is now you have me looking at the Empress Echosystem pedal…lol. But seriously I have a Midiverb II and use the hell out of sendng the TAL Bassline through it. Trying to figure out if this s1 is the Roland cloud SH-101 plugin or a different emulation.


My impression is that the emulation in the S-1 / SH-01a is different from the plugin (or system 1 / GAIA2).


…or use the motion sequencer lanes within the patterns. Of course it’s not the same as being an integral part of the sound engine but I thinks it’s a fair compromise considering the low price of that unit.


Right, althogh I found the motion sequencer a bit underwhelming.
Recording the first pass is ok, but refining really destroys the thing, as you apparently record/skip several automations per step, so the automation becomes not smooth anymore.

Finally got one. I sat with it last night and was able to match a patch to tal bassline where they were almost identical. Differences i notice - the noise blends better for me on the s-1 and the envelopes have a little bit of a bigger sweetspot. The Roland punches a little more as well.

I honestly prefer to use soft synths when I can but the s-1 is pretty simple to integrate. Internal battery is great plus midi over usb makes it a plug and play setup.

I also may just compose on the tal, get the midi and then record the s-1 so I can tweak it live.

Going to mess with the risers today. That is also a really nice bonus. To be able to perform my own risers will make them more unique and more glued to the arrangement.

So yeah, it sounds like a 101 and so do the plugins but I think the s-1 is a better option than softubes for sure, and for me its a touch better than tal due to the larger sweet spots.