Ricky's Stem Prep for Octatrack

Authenticity is in short supply in this hypermediated, episodized world. Enrique is earnestly including us in his real-time process as a technology-based musician, and that’s worth more than people often consider. There may be a few explanations of processes in his videos which are simplified for a wider range of viewers, but I think he’s still fundamentally sharing what he finds interesting.

I think it’s a cognitive illusion that just because someone didn’t have a solid grasp of OT “Parts” doesn’t mean they don’t know a sh*t ton about music, synths, etc, cause he obviously does. And just because he’s been on screen once or twice doesn’t mean that’s his primary role at Elektron, for all we know.

I do wonder a bit, though, how the Elektron ship is planning to point it’s bow in terms of presenter image. I think that, when making official appearances on behalf of Elektron, it’s important to maintain that relaxed and authentic persona, like Cenk, Jon, and Ess, and myself did–and Mario, and Enrique now do, but also demonstrate total authority over the knowledge presented therein. (Hector did always seem a bit tense, though, :rofl: I miss him)

All we can do is watch = )


pretty unnecessary hostility towards one of the nicest people in the community. I’ve chatted with Ricky a few times at synth events and he’s a patient, friendly dude.

exactly… maybe it’s good to have some high up youtubers who are a little more relatable in this way


A youtuber alone ? Too sad. :content:

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I would guess that Parts get under-understood because when you are learning OT and overwhelmed you figure out you can safely ignore Parts and think of the Bank as storing all the STEM stuff. You think “I’ll come back to this” and never do.

While Parts are conceptually not that difficult, actually learning them means memorizing all the things that are stored at that level, so you first need to wrap your head around all the things in OT then put them into categories of where they are stored. Seems easy once you are comfortable with OT but not when you are first learning it.

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Good point. There is a reason guys like Ez Bot who have mastered the machine (it seems) still have a strip of mixer tape on the bottom telling them all the stuff in their scenes.

I honestly don’t watch much youtube because to me it is a waste of time from producing music, but EZ bot and Tinez are really really good guides for learning the OT.


EZBot has been killing lately, lots of cool tricks!

His condensed videos are better than his 3 hour chats but I understand why he holds open discussions, I always seem to miss them when live broadcasting to participate

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didn’t mean nothing against Ricky personally. would be much better of him to treat community less like children who still can’t wrap their heads around OT though.

Weird you interpret it that way. I see it like a dude who figured some shit out, and he wants to pass on what he learned cuz he has the platform.

He fucks up so many times in his vids or gets lost. Who cares. One of the vids he did he was all jazzed about something i thought was common knowledge. Not everyone knows everything.

I see it like a guy whos enjoying what he does, passing on what he figured out. And in no way trying to come off like a know it all or better than.

What I have NO tolerance for is the toober that needs to be the “I got the gear first” guy and does a vid about the new gear…with NO clue how to use it. His primary goal is to be first online. Auto thumbs down.

Adding: I remember now. It was a vid for the Peak and some way to modulate shit he hadn’t done before or just figured out. HE WERKS[ed?] AT NOVATION….and years…YEARS later is figuring shit out. And he was just stoked to pass it on. So…take it how you want. I think he, as he says…just wants to share the love.


I think you just don’t understand their job.
If you earn your living (or parts of it) with YouTube, you have to play by their rule. If the videos fit into their algorithm, the algorithm puts the video on more feeds. If you ignore it, it is very hard to get seen at all.
And YouTube wants you to make Videos > 10min and your videos are bad, if people dot watch at least 75% of the video (very ruff numbers here). So if you want to get seen, you need to make too long videos and bring the information way too late.

So, if you (or we) dislike that, we shouldn’t focus our rants in the direction of those who make the videos, but google who does everything to earn more ad revenue.


FWIW, I share your distaste for influencers in general - it’s frustrating when unqualified people get the spotlight. I just don’t think Ricky is like that. Anywho, peace.


So you decide to harm and punish someone, because you do not like what he is doing, on a platform that you don’t have to use in videos you don’t have to watch? Do you also grab money out of the cash register if you had to wait too long in the line in a super market.
Sorry, some people here should rethink, why they spend their time consuming stuff, that they dont like, just to spend time ranting about that. Dont you have something positive to do?

You don’t teach someone how to use something if you don’t know how to use it.


Videos on release day are not there to teach. Thats advertising like on TV or in the news paper. Just don’t watch it. Punishing him for that by telling the algorithm, that he sucks, is a very anti social move!

So…the reason for thumbs down is?

Is the gold star for everyone theory good?

A for just being there vs effort?

edited to correct possible personal direction, tho not meant to be direct, so much as broad

they do get the gear a few days before, if not longer, before general release. That time was meant to get up to speed to deliver some good insight

you getting personal because I ask you, why you are so toxic? I am out here, don’t need that in the evening.

As someone who briefly had a octatrack - too soon in my elektron journey… watching him try to figure it out is actually easier to follow than slowing down a cenk vid to try and catch a few pointers.

Perhaps Elektron said to him that there are users that struggle with some aspects of their workflow and perhaps whilst he’s getting up to speed, he shows some of his new learnings.

I can’t fathom why anyone would be uptight or negative about it.

He seems like a solid guy, genuine, no ego and he’s being real in his vids.


I really like Ricky. You Tube bods that annoy me, well I don’t watch their vids.

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You know the drill: "share the love, share the knowledge. Knowledge is power. Peace !"


What I like about Ricky is he doesn’t ooze desperation like many others churning out click bait rubbish. He does have the obvious new gear videos but then he’d also make random videos showing something he’s just discovered on a eurorack module or a pedal he’s added to his setup. It feels like he’s actually making music and then decides oh that will make a cool video rather I am going to make some genetic electronic breaks to show off this synth I have to promote like other YouTubers


I’ll be in Santa Monica, at the 3rd street promenade all day handing out free moot points so if anybody wants one come to the booth, first come first served mind you and only one moot point per person tops…

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